had an unfotunate incident on the weekend, where I got out to Mud had a fish, went to move, and the motor wouldn't start, sound like there was not enough charge getting to the motor to turn it over. Luckily I could pull start it and off we went. IWas a bit suss on one of the connections, and was a bit slack with the battery set up. So off to bias, got some new cable, conenctors, and one of those battery box's with a little charge meter on to tell the state off the battery. plugged it all in and turns out the battery was flat, thought this was a bit strange as it's only 6 months old and I was out the week before with no probs. Have an isolator switch to turn it all off when not using.
Took the battery back to the cheap auto store, and they informed me the cranking amps were down to about 290 (from 500), and they kindly replaced it for me under warranty.
Is all ok again now, but what I want to know is if the alternator is working or not? Anyone know how to check this? figured I'd take the boat for a burn up the river, see if it charges the batt, but would like to check it out properly. I have a multi-meter, and some idea on how to use it![]()