hi murks. why did u got the formosa. i did look at them. how long u have it. what motor did u put on the back. where do u go in urs.
hi murks. why did u got the formosa. i did look at them. how long u have it. what motor did u put on the back. where do u go in urs.
Well the price was right..I have never been one to shop around and QLD Powerboats , Marty and Glenn were really very helpful..
It was an easy decision..
Initially I was opting for a 75Mercury BUT I was convinced by MANY people to go to the E-TEC 60 (size, weight and power ratio)and I did a LOT of research [smiley=book2.gif]on motors...This personally has been a great decision that I have no regrets
.....I must say though that IF I had the extra money then I would have gone the 75 E-TEC but the 60 sits me on 27knotts at 5000rpm all day and is incredibly economic, quiet and very clean....it also must be said to be totally fair that I haven't driven a boat with a 75Merc so I cant compare these stated benefits that I see
As far as were I go...mostly down the coast and I have started to venture and explore the southern bay areas..
Feel free to pm if ya want to chat ....more than happy to give you a call or vice versa
Murks (Brett)
same boat as 480 freedom sport Quinnie, just Stacers offering. Get the 90 on it though, its now rated for it
should have had them throw in hyrdraulic steering, would certainly help if it felt a bit heavy
tell me about the hydralic steering. i havnt got it yet. will be 6 weeks. i was told yest that it was just the way the mechanics fit the cables. i saw same boat different yard and steering was very free. the 480 freedom sport is a bowrider and has max hp listing of 80hp.
When you said 489 runabout, I assumed you meant the easyrider, what you actually tested was a 489 baymaster then.Originally Posted by seahorse
I can assure you however that the 480 freedom sport is rated at 90hp, I KNOW I have one. 2006 model.
Hydraulic steering very nice, but over $1000 extra, depends if you have that spare.
The 489 baymaster, and the 489 baymaster svs (cheaper with less frills) are now both rated 90hp aswell.
If you can afford the extra HP engine, I'd say it would be worth more to you than hydraulic steering.
without having driven the boat you are referring to I can't make a comment on the actual boat, but hydraulic steering is basically comparable to power steering vs non power steering in a car, some boats will be alright without it but some can be dramatically improved with itOriginally Posted by seahorse
thanks az. ron i didnt consider the 90 purely on extra cost. the 75 seemed to push it along nicely. what are ur speeds in urs with a 90 on the back.
My setup, 480 freedom sport 2006 model, with 90hp etec on back.
Best performance to date with us all onboard (2 adults 2 kids), bout half tank fuel, 70km/hr.
Thats 38knots or 43.5mph take your pic.
Planes instantly. I actually tested this boat with a 75 on it and thought it was quite good, but when Quintrex put it up to 90hp, that was what sealed the deal, as with 90 it has pretty good grunt.
Had a mate out in it who is an experienced skier, he was barefooting from it.
Glad to answer any more ?? you may have.
thanks ron. what was the cost difference between 75 and 90. when i took the stacer for a run i had it at 5000revs and was doing 35mph. prob could have got little more if i played around with the trim but it was first run.
forgot to say, I'm reving out at about 5400 at 70km/hr.
In heavy chop i slow down obviously, but it really doesnt bother it much at all. Millenium hull is fab. Stacer Evo hull same principle, big step up on std ally hulls
Guess cant compare directly as slighty different hull design etc., but in my model I noticed the extra 15hp significantly.
Without getting into manufacturer comparing, Stacer and Quintrex built in same factory anyway, Quintrex bought Stacer few years ago n moved it to one operation.
And without comparing Merc to evinrude (were all sick of these type of threads) I think the extra 15hp would be worthwhile, AS LONG as its not stretchin your budget.
Spare HP is always a bonus, you dont have to use it, but its there if reqd.
Also I compared my fuel figures with 75 etec on same hull, mine is less, the 90hp isnt being driven as hard for same performance, so in Merc too, prob less fuel too.
I'd be looking at fuel figs mostly if I was you, as its now a MAJOR factor in running costs, regardless of outboard choice.
Personally my 90 etec is returning better than my previous 40 merc was, and I honestly couldnt ask for better fuel consumption.
Thats prob not a fair comparison, as I'm comparing DI with straight carby, but guess a 90 Optimax, if Merc is your choice, would do similair.
Choice of manufacturer aside, they are all good nowadays, I'd look seriously at DI compared with just straight 2 stroke, the extra initial outlay may be easily recovered in running costs if you plan to keep her n use her a bit.
Take your time n choose wisely, and obviously listen to others too, I'm no authority, I'm just saying that in mine it paid off going up the 15horses.
Good luck n enjoy it.
Your now about to enter the longest 6 wks of your life and rekindle thoughts of what it was like waiting on Santa coming!!
ron, i will be like a cat on a hot tin roof. i can appreciate the comparsion, but i just wouldnt feel confortable with the etec. i know about all the fuel saving as i have read and watch the cds. i just dont know. one hears about few probs that guys have with them. iam sorry but just not convinced, hence going for the old 2 stroke.. i have been told that i can rev out at 5800 and should get up around mid 40mph, which would give me about 70klmph. i should just check out the cost diff from 75 to 90. i know it was about $4000 to go to 75hp optimax and i do wish i could afford that, but hey one has to stop somewhere. thanks for ur comments
mate Ive got the Quinnie 480 FreedomSport with an 80hp 4/s on the back and she flys............
wouldnt worry about hydraulic steering, waste of time, the rigs easy on the hands to steer........
Congrats on the purchase........now the loooong weight
Cheers, Rogues
Wasnt trying to win you on ETEC mate, far from it, in fact I was actually trying to stay away from that side of things and recommended Mercs equivelant, the optimax for your application.
I know it gets expensive as you add it all on, we spent heaps more than we started out to, with things like clears, covers, beach loader trailer (rear hinges for easy launch/retrieve) Stone guards on trailer (protection on dirt roads) better sounder, motor cover, I could go on.
I guess youd need to work out how long $4000 in fuel is gonna last you at your usage in a straight 2stroke, as thats when you would start to save with the optimax, plus it would be a bit punchier being DI, but as you say, you gotta draw the line somewhere.
I just think I forgot to draw it.........LOL
i know the feeling ron. that line. i have drawn it. would love optimax but extra$3150. just cant jusify it