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Thread: underfloor tank???

  1. #1

    underfloor tank???

    i have a 445f haines centre console with a 75 hp merc 2 stroke.i currently have 2 x 25l fuel tanks.i live in mackay and i really need a fair range and feel 100l + would be ideal.i have some room at the back to put in a bigger tank but i am worried about too much weight in the stern.i was thinking about underfloor fuel tanks-

    any thoughts???


  2. #2

    Re: underfloor tank???

    Hi Dave,
    I live at Campwin Beach just down the road. I think the underfloor tank will be the way to go. There is a fibreglass shop at the end of Heaths Rd the name of which has deserted me. You will see the moulds in his yard anyway. Pop in there with the Haines & ask what they think.
    An alloy tank custom made should not cost the earth & will keep your centre of gravity low down where it should be.
    ROLL TIDE, ROLL.................


  3. #3

    Re: underfloor tank???

    local glasser down our way has been building some glass ones inbetween the stringers and bulkheads. got to use a special resin.

  4. #4

    Re: underfloor tank???

    some 445s came with an underfloor fuel tank
    i have it in an old Modern Fishing magazine

  5. #5

    Re: underfloor tank???

    If you get one custom made, Get them to stick a brass outlet in it nice and low with a tap on it.

    Then when your fuel gets old and stale you can attach a peice of hose run that out your bung and drain all the petrol out.

    Gonna make life a lot easier if your worried about stale fuel.
    A marriage licence should be like your fishing licence!
    Expires every year and you get a 3 day pass when you go interstate.

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