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Thread: Navman F2100 fuel system

  1. #1

    Navman F2100 fuel system

    Hey guys
    Just ordered a fuel flow system for the Volvo,Its probably a bit late but has anyone used one of these and if so any problems.
    It looks as good as the Floscan and about 1/3 of the price.
    I need it as the fuel gauge in the under floor tank has gone and with the reset function I can determine how much fuel is left.


  2. #2

    Re: Navman F2100 fuel system

    I just put one in my boat about 2 weeks ago to compensate for the doggey Quintrex fuel gauge that has already been replaced twice. It's good value and has plenty of features. It was really easy to install, but haven't had a chance to use it yet. Hopefully it will give me some peace of mind. One of my biggest fears is running out of fuel.


  3. #3

    Re: Navman F2100 fuel system

    I have to wait for mine to come in from the States, so I was trying to find some one to relax me re the purchase. Thanks Camo


  4. #4

    Re: Navman F2100 fuel system

    Easy to install and easy to use.

    I had one for 5 years on an old evinrude115HP.

    Very accurate once you have calibrated it.

    If you have a 100 litre tank.
    1. fill it up and set the unit to 100 litres, tank volume.(it will start to count down the fuel as you use it)
    2. refill the tank and note the litres used. (then adjust the "volume used amount" to read the same quantity)
    3. Every time you fill up, adjust the total back to 100

    Note that it would be best to calibrate the unit once you have used approximately 1 tank full of fuel to give a more accurate calibration.(you can relill the tank several times and reset total volume to 100 as this does not vary the total amount used)
    So if you fill the tank three times with say 30 40 and 50 litres then you could adjust the "fuel used" to 120, and it is then calibrated.


  5. #5

    Re: Navman F2100 fuel system

    Angela can you remember if there was much of a difference between the fuel used reading on the unit prior to calibration, compared to the actual amount of fuel used. Was the difference enough that you would recommend calibrating it?


  6. #6

    Re: Navman F2100 fuel system


    How much was it ordering from the States. I have a Sharkcat and would be interested in ordering myself?

  7. #7

    Re: Navman F2100 fuel system


    How much was it ordering from the States. I have a Sharkcat and would be interested in ordering myself?

  8. #8

    Re: Navman F2100 fuel system

    Hi there

    I have one on a haines 680 walk around for about 2 years-- very very accurate - within .5 ofa litre -- -- but does need to be calibrated -- took me two goes to get it right


  9. #9

    Re: Navman F2100 fuel system

    They are $299 if you buy them over here.


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