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Thread: Webster Twinfisher what are they like ?

  1. #1

    Webster Twinfisher what are they like ?

    My family and i are looking around for a boat and we our hearts are set on a webster twinfisher.
    We are mainly fishing in lakes, esturies and sometimes do close offshore work so are ethinking about the 4.3 runabout style boat. Does anyone have a twinfisher and if so how do you find them in handling and performance and would they be suited to the style of fishing we are going to be doing.

    any information would be welcome thanks!!!

  2. #2

  3. #3

    Re: Webster Twinfisher what are they like ?

    Hi Fusher,
    Have had my Webster Twinfisher 4.9 Runabout for 2 weeks now. They are as good as everyone says they are!
    Handling and performance are great?
    First time out it was dead flat very very stable even while traveling you can walk around.
    Last Sat went in 25 knot wind and over 1m swell handles the rough really well no really hard slap like a mono hull.

    “Handling” some times you do lean out in turns not like a mono where you lean in to a turn but this is quick to learn and you lean in the same as a mono hull.

    “Performance” not a really really fast boat but can go top speed in all weather conditions then again you don’t need realy fast for fishing.

    The four stroke motor is great to little noise and no smoke.
    Fantastic fishing and trolling boat

    But don’t take my word for it try it for yourself go see Tim at Inverloch Marine and take one for a test ride the time is worth while you wont look back

    Any questions I will be happy to answer for you.
    good luck and happy fishing

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