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Thread: Nightmare on my new boat!!!!

  1. #106

    Re: Nightmare on my new boat!!!!

    I showed this thread to my brother in law who is a Lawyer and he said Fenris is definately liable as he stated every problem the engine had before driving it all the way to Brisbane to offload it.

    If this was a normal sale,why would you drive the boat all the way to Brisbane to offload it,desperation!!!

    Fenris,come clean and negotiate a settlement and put it behind you,i wouldn't like a Mad Turk stalking me >

  2. #107

    Re: Nightmare on my new boat!!!!

    Thx for that Blaze.

    But NO!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by blaze
    Hi Mad turk
    If you have that much money mate, just fix it and go fishing, I note you make a comment about
    One more thing I would like to add. By no means I am angry anymore. I just want to go fishing!!! Thats not to much to ask for in this beatiful countyr of yours is it???
    would like to think that its also your country too, its where you live.
    too much stess invovled in trying to sort this out through the courts I feel, no one wins.
    no comments on who's wrong or right
    life is too short

  3. #108

    Re: Nightmare on my new boat!!!!

    Hey Ahoj,

    Thx mate.

    I will go to court.

    Quote Originally Posted by ahoj
    Mad turk....
    As i posted before save your money from courts and solicitors-- repair the motor enjoy fishing and try to get some of the money back from the owner as good will( possible Buckleys) but worth a try....
    Call the whole affair a lesson and I thank you for sharing your dilema with us and I hope all of us will be a little smarter when we buy a secondhand boat especially from another state....


  4. #109

    Re: Nightmare on my new boat!!!!

    One more thing Blaze,

    I worked for that money just like I worked for the money I bought the boat with.
    And I will work harder to make more money to take him to court. I have sold my car allready to fund this matter.

    Thx for the advice anyway.

    Quote Originally Posted by blaze
    Hi Mad turk
    If you have that much money mate, just fix it and go fishing, I note you make a comment about
    One more thing I would like to add. By no means I am angry anymore. I just want to go fishing!!! Thats not to much to ask for in this beatiful countyr of yours is it???
    would like to think that its also your country too, its where you live.
    too much stess invovled in trying to sort this out through the courts I feel, no one wins.
    no comments on who's wrong or right
    life is too short

  5. #110

    Re: Nightmare on my new boat!!!!

    Thx Geoff.

    Quote Originally Posted by sea raider
    Wouldnt the cooling system on diesel Volvo Penta be any different than that of a petrol one?

    By the sound of it, this boat has a petrol motor, either that or its the only diesel in the world with spark plugs!!!

    I have a mate in WA who owned a 28' Bertram with twin petrol Volvo Penta V6's. He had to rebuild one and saved a heap by using, I think, Chev parts because either Chev made the motor for Volvo or visa versa. It might be worthwhile looking into!!


  6. #111

    Re: Nightmare on my new boat!!!!

    Hi Pete,

    Yes Possibly that was me.
    I have seen your add here for the yalta.
    Mate wish I got that boat than,wouldnt have all these problems now would I?


    Quote Originally Posted by Grand_Marlin
    Mains pressure is around 100 psi / 700 kpa.

    Mad Turk... was it you that called me about my Yalta that was for sale in brisbane?



  7. #112

    Re: Nightmare on my new boat!!!!

    Turk I know its a matter of honour for you now regardless of cost but if you are not a fool ,which you clearly are not ,you must consider the downside of losing this case.The other thing is the waiting time for civil cases such as this would be after you return to Turkey unless you know a way to shortcut the system.
    cheers jon

  8. #113

    Re: Nightmare on my new boat!!!!

    Ahh well Mad Turk, you werent to know... just the way it goes sometimes.

    If you get your money back, the Yalta is still here

    Perfect boat for your area.

    Nah... just get yours sorted out.



  9. #114

    Re: Nightmare on my new boat!!!!

    Hey jon,

    Yes I did consider that but if it takes longer I will stay in australia for another year.
    Plus the only way for me to find out that if I am going to loose is to try my best to win.


    Quote Originally Posted by familyman
    Turk I know its a matter of honour for you now regardless of cost but if you are not a fool ,which you clearly are not ,you must consider the downside of losing this case.The other thing is the waiting time for civil cases such as this would be after you return to Turkey unless you know a way to shortcut the system.
    cheers jon

  10. #115

    Re: Nightmare on my new boat!!!!

    Mate they always say diary's and paper trails are the ideal pieces of evidence in cases. Get your facts together before you start your proceedings. >

  11. #116

    Re: Nightmare on my new boat!!!!

    mad turk - if you're not doing anything tonight / tomorrow, I 'might' have a spot on my boat for a reef or wreck trip - just looking into it at the moment. Either leave 9 or so tonight or 3 in the morning tomorrow from Tsv boat ramp.

    let me know and if I've got a spare seat I'll get back to you. You seem to have proven you have the patience to go fishing in my boat (we rarely catch anything )

  12. #117

    Re: Nightmare on my new boat!!!!

    Hey cooky,

    I will pm you my number.

    Thanks a lot.

    Quote Originally Posted by cooky
    mad turk - if you're not doing anything tonight / tomorrow, I 'might' have a spot on my boat for a reef or wreck trip - just looking into it at the moment. Either leave 9 or so tonight or 3 in the morning tomorrow from Tsv boat ramp.

    let me know and if I've got a spare seat I'll get back to you. You seem to have proven you have the patience to go fishing in my boat (we rarely catch anything )

  13. #118

    Re: Nightmare on my new boat!!!!

    Hi Guys,

    What a very unfortunate situation. Need cool heads as two new different parties are already flicking through expensive brochures and are ready to place orders on two brand new top of the range cruisers complete with the works. These boats will be funded by two guys who strongly believe that there is great satisfaction in doing so.

    I suppose it is easy for someone not emotionally involved to comment but over time when the emotions have subsided a different path may seem the right choice. Relax, compromise, fund your own cruisers and start fishing.

    Happy fishing

  14. #119

    Re: Nightmare on my new boat!!!!

    A crappy situation for all involved...Hope it all gets sorted quickly for both parties

  15. #120

    Re: Nightmare on my new boat!!!!

    Sure is some pain in this thread .....hope it works out to the satisfaction of both involved.

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