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Thread: Ally Craft Extrusion

  1. #1

    Ally Craft Extrusion

    G'day All,

    I'm after some help, I have recently decided to change my 1992 allycraft froward steer boat to a centre console with casting deck up front after i cut the window and the rest out, i'm up to the stage now that i need to match the side capping thats welded on the inside of the gunwale.
    I've emailed allycraft direct and they didn't want to help me they basically told me that they didn't make that style anymore which is fair enough being more than 10 years ago, but i then asked it doesn't have to be the same, they still didn't want to help me. > Even though the new boats have the similar extrusion.
    So I was wonder if any one out know's of the aluminium supplier who make this extrusion or where ally craft get it from.

  2. #2

    Re: Ally Craft Extrusion

    Here's another view

  3. #3

    Re: Ally Craft Extrusion

    And another

  4. #4

    Re: Ally Craft Extrusion

    mate , if you cant get an extrution just get some ally sheet bent up to the profile,once its welded in you won't even notice it , by the sounds it would be cheaper to get sheet folded ,you can also go on line to & they have there range of extrutions maybe something there similar

  5. #5

    Re: Ally Craft Extrusion

    Thanks for that, I've been doing a bit of research today, I'll probably use some 80 x 20 angle and roll the profile, i tried a piece today, came up a like a bought one.

  6. #6

    Re: Ally Craft Extrusion

    Hi there wilco

    I would go see capral. they are probably the biggest aluminium extruder in australia. They have one of their main factories out at Ipswich. They have an outlet on the sunshine coast not sure about where else.


  7. #7

    Re: Ally Craft Extrusion

    Cheers for that homer_jay i will have a look

  8. #8

    Re: Ally Craft Extrusion

    Mate, I know that Allycraft buy fair share of their extrusion from OneSteel Aluminium. They are in Brisbane and stock heaps of different standard marine extrusions - they supply to Joshua Boats, Bluefin, Horizon ect. Contact phone number is 3277 0511

  9. #9

    Re: Ally Craft Extrusion

    Pretty sure that extrusion is listed on the top of this page.


    The whole world's mad save thee & me (but I'm not too sure about thee)

  10. #10

    Re: Ally Craft Extrusion

    Quote Originally Posted by Owen
    Pretty sure that extrusion is listed on the top of this page.
    Pretty sure Onesteel is going to own Smorgon by mid-October anyway, so you might as well get it from the top of the food chain

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