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Thread: aspestos concerns

  1. #1

    aspestos concerns

    currently rebuilding 70's model boat, come across a blue stubstance over the fibreglass hull. Did they use aspestos as a base covering in manufactoring these 70's model boats.

    signed tunaman

  2. #2

    Re: aspestos concerns

    I would dought it Asbestos is usually grey in colour or slightly green blue.
    and to use it in a boat as a sealer it would be masticated.

    Now masticated asbestos is a pretty good fire wall sealer around air cond ducts, but think that's about it not much use in a marine enviroment.

    Any way spray over it with enamel spray paint if you think it's suspect and flaky, that will seal it of again.
    A marriage licence should be like your fishing licence!
    Expires every year and you get a 3 day pass when you go interstate.

  3. #3

    Re: aspestos concerns

    R,as,gut,s. It is blue in colour, and it,s all over the top half. not the hull.
    It,s eazy to sand, and it seems to be a under coat before the final
    coat of paint goes on. maybe a shapeing coat?
    taking no chances, will wet and dry it to be on the safe side.

    signed tunaman

  4. #4

    Re: aspestos concerns

    Asbestos was commonly used in the "bog" preparation ( these days polyester resin and industrial talc) that most gunwale rubbers were fitted with.

    This can be detected if your gunwale bog is grey in colour.

    As for a coating on the hull or deck? Not that I am aware of.


  5. #5

    Re: aspestos concerns

    That be right if you keep it wet no real problem.
    Then the asbestos guys suck it up with a vaccum cleaner with hepa filter,
    Mask and stuff double bag the dust and dispose, including your overalls.

    But this asbestos dust will float in a still air room for up too 5 days.

    Good luck I understand your caution, if you think it's suspect.
    The only test I know of is a place called Airsafe they pop a bit under the microscope.
    A marriage licence should be like your fishing licence!
    Expires every year and you get a 3 day pass when you go interstate.

  6. #6

    Re: aspestos concerns

    Keep it wet and no drama involved....we all breathed asbestos up until about 10 years back..every brake pad had asbestos in them..every time brakes were applied a little more came off and went into the atmosphere...if you use some caution there is no major problem with it.

  7. #7

    Re: aspestos concerns

    After looking very closely at it, I cant see anything with the naked eye,
    in the lines of fibers, but it is a bog of some sort. The true age of the boat is 1972, and one more concern, I think there would be lead in
    the old paint. useing standard dust masks should be allright?
    I will look on the web, about aspestos and boat manufacturing
    in the 70,s, but I dont think the hanes company will say they did or they didnt for some reason, but I would like to think they would warn people
    if they did.

    signed tunaman

  8. #8

    Re: aspestos concerns

    Ring them and ask them point blank is there asbestos in the boat. Then get it in writing.

    If they so no in writing then I think safe to proceed.

  9. #9

    Re: aspestos concerns

    To the best that i know. Haines Hunter was built by brothers John and Gary Haines back in those years. The Haines Hunter name was sold. John now builds Haines signature.(i may be wrong on all this). So if you contact Haines Hunter they will tell you they dont know as they didnt build the boats. If you contact Haines signature they will not want to comit to anything as its got nothing to do with them anymore. And i doubt you would get anything in writing either way. Even though it would be good for them to be upfront and tell you if they did as it might save some ones life. But in this day and age of public liability there is no way they would want to tell you if they did.
    Asbestos is dangerous stuff. My father was a builder and he has poisioning from working with the stuff and its not good. But like pinhead says it was in things like brake pads. So we were all breathing the stuff at some stage and probably there is still abit of it floating around the place. Just dont breath the dust, wet it down first and wear good breathing apparatus, as you should anyway when grinding fibreglass. Just use abit of common sense. You will be right.


  10. #10

    Re: aspestos concerns

    homer jay. Yes that sounds like a good place to start. I,ll call around
    on the phone tommorrow, and see what I can find.
    Sorry to hear about your dad, asbestos makes me very nervous, and
    its a well known killer.
    Thanks everyone for your help.

    signed tunaman

  11. #11

    Re: aspestos concerns

    hey dad, your boat smells.

    signed tunaboy.

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