Hi all
ok we have seen a lot of you fisho's guy's and girl's alike with a bad rap on the mechanic's you have dealt with
So lets give the good guys a little bit of free advertising if that is alright with Ausfish after all word of mouth is better than advertising
ok i'll start have been dealing with these guys now for 11yrs and never had problems with them or my motors they are always up for a joke or help you anyway they can, and you do not need the gold Cheque book or second mortgage just to service your boat and they do log books services for most makes and models
Southside Outboard Wreckers and Mechanical Service at Bethania Sth near Beenleigh Contact Ph No 3805-8595 talk to Mark or Shane
hay have seen a lot of bad mechanic's maybe we should just give the good guys a plug once in a while to
just a thought all give Credit due to where Credit is due
this way we have our own phone book for Marine mechanic's and services