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Thread: White Ants in the Play-Pen

  1. #256

    Re: White Ants in the Play-Pen

    Quote Originally Posted by kingcobe
    Looking good so far bev. When do you expect to finish her?
    Hiya Jay.Jay.... we're trying for Easter If we're not finished we might have to come out in the tinnie!

  2. #257

    Re: White Ants in the Play-Pen

    Day 35

    Glassed starboard cabin bulkhead, bunk top

    and under the well.

    Day 36

    Cut, shaped and bogged in U-bolt block, footrests and cabin bulkhead joiners,

    then bulkheads under the well and heels to strengthen the transom.

    Day 37

    Glassed over U-bolt block, footrests and cabin bulkhead joiners,

    then bulkheads under the well and heels to strengthen the transom.

  3. #258

    Re: White Ants in the Play-Pen

    its lookin good, the way you guys are workin i reckon you'll be done by easter easy, but it looks great

  4. #259

    Re: White Ants in the Play-Pen

    sticky sh*t, every where ya walk.
    nice clean looking good.
    isnt it lovely doing semi enclosed areas, just about done myself in flowcoating in my cab. Hot day, had fans ect going. Just made it out to the lawn where I coughed and spluttered and rolled around the grass for 1/2 hour. Didnt put my mask on (######## me)

  5. #260

    Re: White Ants in the Play-Pen

    Gee I love reading this thread. It really is great to tune in each and every evening and see the progress and beautiful work that you pair do. I don't know much about fibreglassing and so I have a question.
    Things like the footrests and bulkheads, are they screwed in as well or just 'glued' in place with resin and then held by the glass???

    Wonderful work and sheer enjoyment to read Bev.

    Cheers and thanks

  6. #261

    Re: White Ants in the Play-Pen

    Quote Originally Posted by Reel Nauti
    Gee I love reading this thread. It really is great to tune in each and every evening and see the progress and beautiful work that you pair do.
    Thanks Dave
    I don't know much about fibreglassing and so I have a question.
    Things like the footrests and bulkheads, are they screwed in as well or just 'glued' in place with resin and then held by the glass???
    The footrests and some bulkheads were screwed into place with stainless screws, then bog (Probond) smeared into any crevices to help glue them into place, as well as eliminate any air holes being under the fibreglass.

    Some bulkheads, and things like the U-bolt block and the heels in the transom, are freestanding and set into a bed of the bog.

    Flat areas of timber have been joined with stainless staples then bog smeared into any crevices.

    Here's a rough diagram I prepared for you -

    You may be wondering why we extended the cabin bulkheads so that they now protrude into the cabin entry.... well, in the excitement of creating more space we'd forgotten where the cabin privacy flap clips need to be!

  7. #262

    Re: White Ants in the Play-Pen

    Quote Originally Posted by blaze
    sticky sh*t, every where ya walk.
    Yep, especially if you get a batch that doesn't quite go off properly! We had a batch go off too fast the other day, so went easier on the catalyst in the next batch.... the cabin floor is an absolute mess now because of all the stuff that stuck to it!

    isnt it lovely doing semi enclosed areas, just about done myself in flowcoating in my cab. Hot day, had fans ect going. Just made it out to the lawn where I coughed and spluttered and rolled around the grass for 1/2 hour. Didnt put my mask on (******** me)
    Not as bad as that, but after doing under the well on Monday, and like you, no mask >, Ross looked another shade of pale! When I commented on it he said "I just washed my face" I told him "Bullsh*t, you have two showers a day, I have NEVER seen you that white!".... put a beer in his hand and called an end to the day!

    P.S 30kg mat gone.... need more supplies

  8. #263

    Re: White Ants in the Play-Pen

    What a hugggggggggge job - ill be sticking to me aluminium i think - well done would have required a lot of patience!

  9. #264

    Re: White Ants in the Play-Pen

    Bev - Looking better everyday! Keep it going!

  10. #265

    Re: White Ants in the Play-Pen

    Couldn't let this be on the second page.

    Bev I was talking to our freindly mechanic today and told Clint to get you to post his fuel tank outta the bullet in the 4sale section. Bet he forgets.

    Wish my wife would put a bloody beer in my hand and call an end to a day.

    Again guys top Job and really am enjoying following the progress.

    It's FULLY SIC man

  11. #266

    Re: White Ants in the Play-Pen

    Thanks for that info Bev.


  12. #267

    Re: White Ants in the Play-Pen

    Quote Originally Posted by fishin_till_late
    its lookin good, the way you guys are workin i reckon you'll be done by easter easy, but it looks great
    Thanks Just keep in mind that we're doing a total makeover, so there's a ways to go yet

  13. #268

    Re: White Ants in the Play-Pen

    Quote Originally Posted by mickstar001
    What a hugggggggggge job - ill be sticking to me aluminium i think
    Wise move.... but oh so boring ;-)

  14. #269

    Re: White Ants in the Play-Pen

    Quote Originally Posted by Brejen
    Couldn't let this be on the second page.
    The next report would have made it front page news again

    Bev I was talking to our friendly mechanic today and told Clint to get you to post his fuel tank outta the bullet in the 4sale section. Bet he forgets.
    Read this before closing time, so rang and spoke to da boss lady... told her I'll pop in next week to take some pics and grab some details.

    Wish my wife would put a bloody beer in my hand and call an end to a day.
    LOL, maybe if you do some fibreglassing and turn a lighter shade of pale, she would

  15. #270

    Re: White Ants in the Play-Pen

    A good trick to keep any sanded fibreglass out of yer skin is to wipe on Vaseline first. It will catch all the hairy bits and dust but when you have a hot shower, they will all come off with the vaseline.
    That or itch like crazy for weeks!

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