Report #20
Saturday we worked our way to Nth Brisbane on a shopping expedition.... and all we had to show at the end of it was 2 rod holders, a router and some windscreen wipers for the car! Pretty disappointing considering we'd had a long list of items we were prepared to buy.... but nobody had quite what we wanted.
All was not lost though, as Kingtin carved up a ham for our dinner....
Good food and good company.... what a great way to end the day
Sunday we glassed the other planing straights,
and a section of the keel.
Then started cutting out some stringers
Used a planer to chamfer the bow end,
then Ross got to play with the new router while he rounded off some edges.
Up until now it was pretty plain sailing as we were able to use the originals as rough templates for the inner two stringers.
The outer two were too damaged, so we had to start from scratch with them, a lot of measuring and a few ummm [smiley=argue.gif] discussions later and we had it figured out.
Hey, where did he go? Oh well, looks like I better do this one myself!
This is where we were at the end of the day
The cross sections between the inner stringers aren't staying, they're just there for support for now.
Note: Stringers are being cut from 19mm CD Structural Ply Hoop A Bond