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Thread: White Ants in the Play-Pen

  1. #16

    Re: White Ants in the Play-Pen

    Damm Ross you shoulda thrown that garter over board bloke .

    Mate love the saftey gear, overalls mask and most of all those well vented steel caps .

    Just a thought get the sounder head unit out not to sure if that fine glass dust would be to good for the keypad, or you trying for a new one as well. Really couldn't see in the other pics if you did or not.

    Tops Bev keep em coming hey.

    It's FULLY SIC man

  2. #17

    Re: White Ants in the Play-Pen

    Top report Bev and who's the clever little lassie with the camera then? Doesn't seem that long ago that you couldn't make up your mind whether to buy one or not

    Lads (and lasses) If you'd seen this rig when Ross first picked it up, you wouldn't believe that it could ever float again. It was in a worse condition than it is now, and had no arse end at all.........bit like me dekie

    Bev, I think you've been conned love. How many new tools has Ross had to buy to do this job? I told you he put the buggers in there deliberately

    May fetch the pulsar down this weekend unless the weather's right for fishing, as long as you promise not to have me crawling around that itchy scratchy stuff.


    My Uncle Fred died of asbestosis - it took six months to cremate the poor bugger.

  3. #18

    Re: White Ants in the Play-Pen

    Bloody Hell, I have gone pale looking at this post, I have gone outside to double check the tinny! Great to see you tackling it head on.
    Cheers Scott.

  4. #19

    Re: White Ants in the Play-Pen

    Bloody Hell, I have gone pale looking at this post, I have gone outside to double check the tinny! Great to see you tackling it head on.
    Cheers Scott.

  5. #20

    Re: White Ants in the Play-Pen

    According to "Elements of Boat Strength" by Dave Gerr, the stringers do not need a timber core, except at engine bed for inboards. But if they are hollow they can become long water tanks. A non structural lightweight foam would solve the problem.
    Also plenty of discussion on about epoxy vs polyester resins.
    The consensus seems to be that acheiving a secondary bond with polyester repairs can be iffy. Epoxy is the go.

    Good luck with the extermination.


  6. #21
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Re: White Ants in the Play-Pen

    There is going to be a lot of empty XXXX Gold cans in thereby the time he is finished.
    Might have been cheaper to burn it and claim the insurance
    At least you would have made sure you got the queen.

  7. #22

    Re: White Ants in the Play-Pen

    Quote Originally Posted by Brejen
    Mate love the saftey gear, overalls mask and most of all those well vented steel caps .
    He owns all the right stuff, but does he use it? Majority of the time, nope!! >

    Just a thought get the sounder head unit out not to sure if that fine glass dust would be to good for the keypad, or you trying for a new one as well.
    Hey, that'll be enough of that... he doesn't need any encouragement from you!! I notice the sounder disappeared after I'd read your message out to him... so thanks for the reminder Must have slipped his mind.... or maybe he thought he would be going fishing sometime soon

    Tops Bev keep em coming hey.
    Report #4's coming to a screen near you soon

  8. #23

    Re: White Ants in the Play-Pen

    Quote Originally Posted by kingtin
    Top report Bev and who's the clever little lassie with the camera then? Doesn't seem that long ago that you couldn't make up your mind whether to buy one or not
    Best thing you've ever talked me into

    Lads (and lasses) If you'd seen this rig when Ross first picked it up, you wouldn't believe that it could ever float again. It was in a worse condition than it is now, and had no arse end at all...
    The ant tracks have headed right to the transom, so she might be getting another new ar$e

    Bev, I think you've been conned love.
    Story of my life!!

    How many new tools has Ross had to buy to do this job? I told you he put the buggers in there deliberately
    Only the holesaw set so far, the rest was consumables.... but he's put in an order for a new grinder as the old one is nearly ker-nackered

    May fetch the pulsar down this weekend
    No worries.... we ain't going anywhere! But be warned, the conversation here might get depressing at times

    unless the weather's right for fishing,
    It's given rain

    as long as you promise not to have me crawling around that itchy scratchy stuff.
    I'll pass yer some overalls as you come in the gate

  9. #24

    Re: White Ants in the Play-Pen

    Quote Originally Posted by scitt
    Bloody Hell, I have gone pale looking at this post, I have gone outside to double check the tinny!
    LOL, reading this gave me the best laugh I've had all day

    Great to see you tackling it head on.
    Well it was either that.... or push it into a corner and forget about it

  10. #25

    Re: White Ants in the Play-Pen

    Report #4

    19th January - Time to remove the floor....


    .... and get rid of some dust!




    That's better.... he always likes the boat to be nice and clean

  11. #26
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    May 2004

    Re: White Ants in the Play-Pen

    Hey bev ,ross is a dab hand with a chainsaw ,isnt he
    cheers jon

  12. #27

    Re: White Ants in the Play-Pen

    [quote author=ColacGirl link=1137501549/15#22 date=1137669315<snip>

    I'll pass yer some overalls as you come in the gate


    Why? Are forensic there again?


    Invisible threads are the strongest ties.

  13. #28

    Re: White Ants in the Play-Pen

    Amazed at the lack of bulkheads, survey require them every metre, I put them in at every 500mm and lets hope it dont break again. Maybe when you do it, it may be worth consisdering puting some more in.
    nearly finished my itching and sratching

  14. #29

    Re: White Ants in the Play-Pen

    Quote Originally Posted by familyman
    Hey bev, ross is a dab hand with a chainsaw, isnt he
    You should be here when he helps me in the garden

  15. #30

    Re: White Ants in the Play-Pen

    Report #5

    20 January - It rained most the night here, so Ross had the day off work.

    It was time call in the big guns to help remove the motor, and suddenly
    our young fella was keen to lend his dad a hand


    The rest of the floor was removed from around the well


    We made another trip to the hardware for more consumable supplies, a new angle-grinder and a hedge trimmer! What's a hedge trimmer got to do with the boat? I think you're right Kev.... this is all just a ploy to get new toys!!

    After lunch he was back at it, removing bits and pieces. He's beginning to
    wonder.... how many screws are in a boat?


    And.... should he put sliding windows in it? Reckons they'd be handy for
    fishing on a rainy day


    Back to the serious stuff, he removed the caps from the gunwall strip


    Yes, the little blighters had even made themselves at home in there! So off with the gunwall.


    Poor old Play-Pen.... she's looking pretty bare

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