Hi Sam, generally we launch at Rudy Maas Marina.... great family of people there who make sure our car and trailer stay safe while we're out enjoying ourselves.Originally Posted by Dignity
Hi Sam, generally we launch at Rudy Maas Marina.... great family of people there who make sure our car and trailer stay safe while we're out enjoying ourselves.Originally Posted by Dignity
YAY, good on you E.... another rebuild to keep the addicts happyOriginally Posted by bigE
We reckon every glass boat owner should endure the fibre-itch.... make 'em appreciate their boats more than ever
Good luck with your project
Bev - Keep the name Play Pen, but get a few stickers of termites crawling around the hull... You could even do the "racing stripe" in termitesOriginally Posted by Fishin_Dan
on the hulls the go... then we can drown the little suckers everytime we go out in it
Day 107 - went shopping for MORE sandpaper supplies.... while I was out and about I picked up a little treat to encourage Ross to keep sanding
Day 108 - more sanding!
Bev, was at Rudy Maas's on the weekend. Make sure you tie Play Pen up to the new pontoons as the ones on the left hand side are pretty dodgy. He's repaired a part of it but there is a steel plate that is sticking out by half an inch beyond the deck in one section. Wouldn't want to get the new Gelcoat scratched. Worse still get a limb caught between the boat and the steel plate. I nearly scratched Dignity myself, not on the pontoon but on the ramp. I loosened the brake on the winch before I backed down the ramp (I blame it on Alsheimers). As I approached the water I hit the brakes on the car and the boat kept going. Only the bottom part of the skeg was broken off and my pride. As a lady boatie commented to my wife re the accident " it only happens if there is some one to watch".
What was the little treat you bought?
One of the sad signs of our times is that we have demonized those who produce, subsidized those who refuse to produce and canonized those who complain.
Thomas Sowell
Aiiiyeee !! 2 days without an update, this is akin to murder..
Please, do you have any updates for us lonely readers, and what prey tell was this present you bought for Ross ?
If men are from Mars, and women are from Venus, politicians must be from uranus ?![]()
Ross's present appears to be an anchor winch, sitting in the above pic. Thats the only one Bev is showing us
That's probably the only one he got..............it ain't a blue moonOriginally Posted by blaze
You can preach a better sermon with your life than with your lips.
looked like one but also looked a little small so still wondering - or was it just a red herring to throw us all off the trail and .................![]()
only Bev and Ross know (and best of luck to them)
One of the sad signs of our times is that we have demonized those who produce, subsidized those who refuse to produce and canonized those who complain.
Thomas Sowell
Bev, if one of his little treats was an anchor winch, PM me as I can let you know some of the hassles and changes I would make. As you launch at Rudy's and you might camp at South Straddie, there are definately a few things to consider.
One of the sad signs of our times is that we have demonized those who produce, subsidized those who refuse to produce and canonized those who complain.
Thomas Sowell
I heard about this on another site!
I too am restoring a Seafarer (Viking) and could relate to all your experiences, primarily the pushing-out of the deadline and the itching.
Gee I'm glad I've gone 2 pack!!!
Full rundown of the restoration is at http://www.shareaproject.com/pages/p...,p,153,00.html
Good luck with the remainder of your project.
BTW I reckon we should jointly contact Seafarer and get some decals etc. We must rate as truly dedicated owners and fans of their product!
Good luck,
Anchor winch looks a treat all right.
I think they are good for the bay stuff but not out wider in the deep stuff.
They would have to make it easy at a beach picnic site.
The miners will be up before you finish, at this rate!
Whats this? Play-Pen off the front page? we cant have that now can we
Any further updates??
Cheers and beers
"Mystique" Haines Signature 580BR with 175 of Mr Suzuki's finest ponies
Bev and Ross,
As its a quiet day at work today i have had the pleasure to read thru this entire thread for the firt and my congratulations go out to you both.![]()
To get as far as you have done so far is a credit to you both. I am sure the pay-off when she is finally in the water again will be far more sweeter knowing how much time and effort have gone into the resto.![]()
I will be keping a close eye on the thread from now on.![]()
Can you (or Ross via you) or you and Ross (?????) share the plan going forward.
You've been sanding a bit, using a powder puff thingy, fitted an anchor winch lately.
I'm keen to know the "project plan".
What's next that you'll be working on ? Floor, Inside the cabin, time for electrics yet ?
Got any clues to keep us going ?