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Thread: Plate Vs Pressed

  1. #16

    Re: Plate Vs Pressed

    come on guys how long since a pressed alum boat couldnt do what ever i have a 26yr old clark abalone 4.8 mtrs i have had this boat for 8yrs being wide in it a zillion times being caught in alsorts of weather usual trip is 17miles wide #often its being that choppy i,m the only one out there # reality is, the only place you need a high dollar boat is in your own mind # # # # i paid $2500 for this boat orig with 60hp johno and trailer spent more since and go where i like

  2. #17

    Re: Plate Vs Pressed

    Yes pressed will do everything plate will do. Just slower for comfort largely because of it's lighter weight combined with the numerous strakes pressed into the hull creating extra lift for area. Sandbag the lower keel line with 170kg and close the gap on any equivalent light plate boat by a big margin.

    Actually all plate boats lighter than 8-10mm (I think, could be 12mm I forget)are correctly termed sheet boats, plate is way way heavier like on Greg Normans monster boat.

    cheers fnq

  3. #18

    Re: Plate Vs Pressed

    Quote Originally Posted by seahorse
    what would be the reason why the handling would be better on plate.

    Less flexing! Finer deadrise, more weight, stronger because of the way the stringers are constructed

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