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Thread: Spaniard King - charging amps again

  1. #1

    Spaniard King - charging amps again

    I would be appreciated if you could look up the charging amps on a 91 jonno V6 150 Faststrike. I though there was a problems with the alternator, but the after using a multimeter it showed around 14V, but it would still be interesting to know the charging amps, Cheers Kendall

  2. #2

    Re: Grand Marlin - charging amps again

    Sorry Kendall, not my field of expertise.... but someone will know.

    I would have thought 20 - 25 amp output from a 150.

    I have a clamp meter that can measure the output if you think it is doubtful.



  3. #3

    Re: Spaniard King - charging amps again

    Sorry Grand Marlin, I though it was you who replies to a similiar thread, though now I realised it was Spaniard King, Cheers though for the reply.

  4. #4

    Re: Spaniard King - charging amps again

    Quote Originally Posted by Kendall249
    I would be appreciated if you could look up the charging amps on a 91 jonno V6 150 Faststrike. I though there was a problems with the alternator, but the after using a multimeter it showed around 14V, but it would still be interesting to know the charging amps, Cheers Kendall
    kendall, don't forget the charging current will very depending on your battery charge level
    my old 185 evinrude has a high output alternator and on low battery its output is13.8 volts@25amps 3000 rpm

  5. #5

    Re: Spaniard King - charging amps again

    Hi Kendall

    I will find out tomorrow for you


    Retired Honda Master Tech

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