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Thread: QUick Poll - Anchor Buoy Selection

  1. #16

    Re: QUick Poll - Anchor Buoy Selection

    300mm foam ball will lift 5M of 3/8 chain and a solid reef pick, not sure on what that weighs but a fair bit more than 5kgs I would say.


  2. #17

    Re: QUick Poll - Anchor Buoy Selection

    I use the one way Retrieval clip too. Not had much experience with them yet. It was just what the guy in the shop told me to get. Its worked fine after I worked out how to use it. No probs at all for a beginner on reefs like me.


  3. #18
    Ausfish Platinum Member revs57's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Re: QUick Poll - Anchor Buoy Selection

    I had a one way anka yanka retrieval fiddly!!!! Only work one way and you've gotta retrain the deckies every time or do it yourself!!! Changed over to a 100mm Stainless Steel ring...made life so much easier...never had the anchor slip back down the ring...

    anyone looking for a yanka a good one going for a six pack!!!! PM for details!!!!



    Life is a mystery to be lived, not a problem to be solved, Gabriel Marcel

  4. #19

    Re: QUick Poll - Anchor Buoy Selection

    Quote Originally Posted by SO70
    go with the anka yanka or a straight ring
    if the anchor is stuck the float will come back up the rope
    if you use the clip it will stop on the rope and will not move back up.
    i nearly lost the anchor, rope, chain and buoy when using the clip whilst the anchor was stuck.
    luckily the anchor came free.
    SO70 - Others like Revs57 reckon the Anka Yanka is fiddly and works only one one way..

    Just how fiddly is the Anka Yanka and what is this mean about "only working one way" - Is this good or bad?

    I see some conflicting ideas here and I need to understand this conflict before I purchase soemhting..

  5. #20

    Re: QUick Poll - Anchor Buoy Selection

    hi smelly both ways have merit.having used both methods I now stay with the clip. Firstly if u practice for five minutes the clip is simple.Take your time when running anchor off reef and u will have no problems with ball getting stuck down rope. Now surprisingly something that hasn't been mentioned yet and gives the one way clip a huge advantage over the ring is, when attached at anchor about 5meters down the anchor line the ball acts as a shock absorber stopping the boat pitching and helping not to pull anchor as often.
    hope this helps

  6. #21

    Re: QUick Poll - Anchor Buoy Selection

    The anka yanka is by far the easiest one to use. I dont know what the "clip" is that Rhys referred to as the one I had allowed you to put it on or off by sliding the keeper up. Once the chain is through the eye the weight of the chain keeps the pick up on the float.

    The clips are OK but after trying both the anka yanka is the one I kept using.



  7. #22

    Re: QUick Poll - Anchor Buoy Selection

    Bear - You stated "....when attached at anchor about 5meters down the anchor line the ball acts as a shock absorber..."

    How does this occur and why won't this happen for the Anka Yanka?

    Greg, what made you stick with the Anka Yanka ?


  8. #23

    Re: QUick Poll - Anchor Buoy Selection

    Just ease of use. Plus didn't have the bloody float bobbin around making noises on shallow reef/wrecks while anchored. Just open the keeper and put her on.



  9. #24

    Re: QUick Poll - Anchor Buoy Selection


    This intersting. How does the float not bob around as much when using the Anka Yanka - as opposed to the clips in question..?

  10. #25

    Re: QUick Poll - Anchor Buoy Selection

    You only put it on when retrieving

    Float connects to the top eyelet on the buoy rope. Slide the little keeper up on the left and put it on the anchor line after sliding the keeper down. Piece of P

  11. #26

    Re: QUick Poll - Anchor Buoy Selection

    THanks Greg,

    So are u inferring that the clip system buoy remains on the anchor line when ancored up - creating the bobbing noises?

  12. #27

    Re: QUick Poll - Anchor Buoy Selection

    hi smelly in shallow water I pull the anchor by hand no need for any retriver at all.
    As I said one of the main advantages of the clip system is u attach the ball when anchoring depending on how much swell and slop down the anchor line.As the clip only works in one direction the ball acts as a shock absorber pulling down into the swell not the nose of the boat

    Watch 2 similar sized boats anchored near each other one with the system I suggest one without, it will open ur eyes.I also use rubbers but thats getting off track.
    happy anchoring.

  13. #28

    Re: QUick Poll - Anchor Buoy Selection

    thanks - what u mean - always use rubbers?

  14. #29

    Re: QUick Poll - Anchor Buoy Selection

    also not always .
    I use rubbers attached to boat then anchor line to help take out sudden jerks when at anchor

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