Thanks for all the advice regarding my poly eskys as a seat post, I got all reved up and went shopping This fitting out is fun but costly.
So now I have 3 eskys that I need to fit in a decent way to the ply floor of the tinny, I could simply do angle and bolt/screws although I am hoping somebody knows of a smarter way to fit so that there is no toe stubbing and it looks a bit flasher (as flash as orange poly will allow) with clean lines around them and no metal protruding inside the esky either. There is absolutly no access to under floor when the tubs get fitted, but full access up till then.
There will be extra structure welded to the underfloor frameing bulkheads which the builder said would probably do it a favour when I explained how I would like to do the metalwork, so thats OK it's just attatching the bloody tubs that has me stumped.
Any ideas welcome and needed also
thanks fnq
The boxes are 37, 105 and a 62L also a big block of foam as my pretend CC for spacing stuuf out.