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Thread: 4 strokes for a Cat

  1. #106

    Re: 4 strokes for a Cat

    Quote Originally Posted by JB
    HA, "Kerry" thought u left mate, why dont u do everyone a favour and just piss off again.
    Yeah JB,

    Now that might not be a bad suggestion as not only are the same old same old dickheads still carrying on like dickheads but you've also acquired more dickheads into the fray. Dickheads are like ants they keep running around like a pack of scavengers trying to pick up the pieces.

  2. #107
    Ausfish Platinum Member JB's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    Re: 4 strokes for a Cat

    Quote Originally Posted by Kerry

    Yeah JB,

    Now that might not be a bad suggestion as not only are the same old same old dickheads still carrying on like dickheads but you've also acquired more dickheads into the fray. Dickheads are like ants they keep running around like a pack of scavengers trying to pick up the pieces.


    All too easy

  3. #108

    Re: 4 strokes for a Cat

    Quote Originally Posted by AutoPilot
    Hey Julian 1,

    Our 21 ft cuddy cab Noosa Cat ( VMR JACOB'S WELL ) had 2 x 140 Suzy's
    behind her.
    There was good power to weight performance.
    We only went to 150's for the towing side of it...
    Hope this helps

    thanks Scott finally someone with experience in what I am asking. i am assuming your Noosacat is a similar model to mine. Did you think the boat is better overall with the 140's or 150's eg weight distribution, power etc ? were the 140 underpowered in your opinion ?

  4. #109

    Re: 4 strokes for a Cat

    Quote Originally Posted by Kerry
    The term "holeshot" is a wank
    funy that, i would have thought that "holeshot" was a pretty important safety factor during bar crossings. Nothing worse than a rig that bogs down getting onto the plane. been there, done that.
    Maybe you don't consider it very important because you are too good to get into trouble.

    In general, it is people who drive Datsuns and Volvo's (and cane harvesters) that think "holeshot is a wank".


    p.s. If a hull can handle the weight and still perform, why not use the biggest h.p. you can afford. Just coz' the power's there doesn't mean you have to use it all the time.

    pps. df140 - 140hp @ what revs? i too am interested. Where can we get torque curves for motor comparisons????
    Give a man a fish, and he'll eat for a day. But ,flogging him into submission will result in him taking up crabbing.... and once he gets a taste of that sh*t, well, he may never return again.

  5. #110

    Re: 4 strokes for a Cat

    kerry have u got any commercial tickets ? im trying hard to fathom ur experience and expertise on everything. surely u havent gained it all driving a 6 m cat fishing on weekends ? c'mon. give me something. A master 5 ? 4 ? i just cant take you seriously

  6. #111

    Re: 4 strokes for a Cat

    I love the blokes who sit behind their PC screens and brand certain people Dickheads. I admire those people who provide constructive analysis and are prepared to stand on their two feet to use genuine fact to decipher a point(s). One particular point I show extreme dislike to is the lack of some balls especially behind a PC screen. It’s these same people I encounter at boat ramps that yell abuse from fast moving car windows exiting a boat ramp scene. They never stand there and illustrate why you actually deserved that verbal abuse in the first place. Kerry, a guy who provides evidence as an endorsement to what they have communicated will be often more times then not believed – your industry.

  7. #112

    Re: 4 strokes for a Cat

    Well put Rod-Bender.

    Maybe he was bullied at school or something...

    shame he can't be more constructive.


    p.s. holeshot,holeshot,holeshot,holeshot...
    Give a man a fish, and he'll eat for a day. But ,flogging him into submission will result in him taking up crabbing.... and once he gets a taste of that sh*t, well, he may never return again.

  8. #113

    Re: 4 strokes for a Cat

    Quote Originally Posted by JB
    [quote author=Kerry link=1159750366/105#105 date=1162962688]

    Yeah JB,

    Now that might not be a bad suggestion as not only are the same old same old dickheads still carrying on like dickheads but you've also acquired more dickheads into the fray. Dickheads are like ants they keep running around like a pack of scavengers trying to pick up the pieces.


    All too easy [/quote]

    Hey c'mon JB, Its not nice to tease.
    Give a man a fish, and he'll eat for a day. But ,flogging him into submission will result in him taking up crabbing.... and once he gets a taste of that sh*t, well, he may never return again.

  9. #114

    Re: 4 strokes for a Cat

    I dont know why some of you Kerry Knockers dont just sit back and read, why does someones JOB DESCIPTION make them more or less Knowledgable in any field. I have a list of licences and deploma's as lomg as my arm but does that mean I am any better than the next man, just puts me on an equal footing with the drunk on the street corner because before I discuss any thing with him and source out his knowledge I still dont know things he knows.
    I dont know Kerry either, but try to read his thoughts and between the lines

  10. #115
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Re: 4 strokes for a Cat

    Quote Originally Posted by Kopey
    [quote author=Kerry link=1159750366/45#58 date=1162604148]And obviously you've a workshop jock and never had to pull the plugs at sea See you have too look beyond all the brochures and gooble gook sales blurbs as the real world is something quite different.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kerry
    In the meantime don't continue bleating about KC's you've shown you know jack schitt about 'em, fitted a few so what! no big deal and 140 anything's on a 2400 is nothing more than a "holeshot" wank!
    Quote Originally Posted by Kerry
    ....offset driveshaft so you can swing larger diameter props to give better holeshot and superior thrust (great for cats)....
    Your not all that clued up on Cats are you
    Read a little harder Blaze, I couldn't have really givin a sh*t what he did for a job but when he kept coming out with sh*t like this.

    It's like if you worked as a Dairy farmer for a living and some pr*ck walked up to you and said "What the f*ck would you know about cows!"

    This gutless pr*ck is good enough to criticize what I do for a living, yet couldn't answer my simple little question. As far as I'm concerned he's not worth the time of day.

  11. #116

    Re: 4 strokes for a Cat

    Now , Now , children ,enough of this arguing > I'm sure JULIAN 1 has all the info he needs at the moment and you KOPEY MMMM ....well I'm sure you have kept us a little entertained this week, with this thread , and the one you created, but the rest of the the class has had enough , remember KOPEY.....this is a FISHING site , and a very popular one. We would'nt want guests to get the wrong impression now would we ? Go home tonight young man, and think of some thing interesting.... may be about your fishing experiences, that you are able to convey to all the class If you have difficulty with this then , it might be a good idea to go and start your own site ... .( I'm sure you have a few followers ) .... and leave the rest of us in peace AMEN Reguards to all Jimmy

  12. #117

    Re: 4 strokes for a Cat

    julian did u decide on engines ?

  13. #118

    Re: 4 strokes for a Cat


    correct me if i'm wrong, but isn't this the Boating section/chat forum of Ausfish?

    I think Kopey can say what he likes, just like you have, and everybody else in this Boating section.........

    People can leave the fishing stories for the fishing sections of Ausfish.

    It may get out of hand at times, but hey, thats life.

  14. #119
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Re: 4 strokes for a Cat


    gotta agree!!

    It shouldnt get outta hand and we should try keep it in check, but like you say, its a free forum for expressions, and sometimes that happens. (gets outta hand)

    (me n Kopey have had our differences, but agreed to disagree and support our own theories, or so I think?? LOL),

    but that said, its a discussion / chat and we should try our best to be as polite as we can whilst putting our point.

    I know i have been guilty of 'Keyboard fever' before, but as you rightly say, each to his own virtues.

    I can see Jimmy's point and he is merely trying to put a lid on things here.

    However look at the viewing figures here!!

    Cant say old Kopeys not kept us amused on this one!

    I dare say hes now a popular guy in the fishing fraternity of Australia, with half wanting to shake his hand and the other half lining up to deck him!! LOL

    I've had my issues with him, but the Aussie spirit would prob win me over to shake his hand if I ever met him...... provided he wasnt an arrogant p#$@k

    Just another angle on what has been an addictive thread.

    Maybe we should all just be thankful we are all still alive and enjoy the sport we all love......boating and fishing.



  15. #120
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Re: 4 strokes for a Cat

    Quote Originally Posted by Ron173
    (me n Kopey have had our differences, but agreed to disagree and support our own theories, or so I think?? LOL),

    but that said, its a discussion / chat and we should try our best to be as polite as we can whilst putting our point.

    Or we should hope to think so Ron!

    Quote Originally Posted by Ron173
    [quote author=Kopey link=1159750366/60#60 date=1162605489]I have pulled the plugs out of Steve's twin DF115's many a time on the water, if you use the plug spanner supplied with the Suzuki toolkit you get when you buy one, you can easily access the bottom plug without removing the bottom cowls on any DF90/115/140 (any owners here try it for yourself).

    I think you should shut up before talking about something you don't know about. As you said: "get in the real world"

    Sorry gotta laugh!!!
    This is on the 'power for the revolution' Suzuki bandwagon..... hee hee hee
    I never ever had to take the plugs outta my rude!!! never mind on the water ha ha ha
    must just be a Kopey fix up eh

    And whilst I'm here on this board I dont frequent much (I wonder why with posts like this...NOT) I cant believe Kopey is being confrontational with another member????


    (awaiting the now standard ban for replying to this idiot.......and if so just delete me permanently..... I care not)


    Quote Originally Posted by Kopey
    Steve racks up more hours then you'd ever dream of, and his boat is untrailerable and spends most of it's time in the water so on water maintenance is not uncommon. The servicing schedule for plugs is every 400 hours, he's racked up over 4000 hence the plug changes.

    An Etec as advertised has a scheduled service of either after 3 years or 300 hours. You obviously haven't racked up 300 hrs yet as the plugs would usually be one of the first things I'm sure the technician would be pulling out and checking.

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