Originally Posted by Kerry
Originally Posted by Kerry
Says Kerry who does what for a living???Originally Posted by Kerry
Originally Posted by Kerry
Originally Posted by Kerry
Says Kerry who does what for a living???Originally Posted by Kerry
As I mentioned about the 60 Yamie High Thrusts earlier which according to Kerry just give "holeshot w@nk."Originally Posted by fly_1
Comment made directly after:Originally Posted by Kopey
Originally Posted by Kerry
well well, it seems some people are prepared to not only show their true colours, but back them up as well.
Kopey, as far as Kerry is concerned, he is a very smart man. way too smart for you and i to even comprehend. unfortunately he is also a bit of a toss who prefers instead to use his wisdom to intimidate and harrass others.
Shame really, i feel he could be really helpfull if he wasn't so upset at someone or something all the time.
now, he will come back and say that he is only reacting to everyone elses conceived stupidity (me included, and anyone who doesn't know as much or agree with him).
so c'mon Kerry, its obvious to a fool like me that Kopey is a young guy who loves boats and has been able to amass quite a bit of knowledge about them in his early years, and has formed opinions based on what he has experienced.
Personnaly, i don't don't blame him for being biased towards Suzi's. i don't and have never owned one, but if i had the option, i would get a df140 tomorrow. Its fine to label them crap if you want, but all things being relative, tell me what they are crap compared to? What beats them hands down.
Kerry, i just think you could be a bit more constructive with what you have to say, instead of coming out like a cornered badger in heavy period.
and pls, before you respond to anything else, give us a bit of background on what you do for a living. You never know, just might help your cause.
Give a man a fish, and he'll eat for a day. But ,flogging him into submission will result in him taking up crabbing.... and once he gets a taste of that sh*t, well, he may never return again.
Anyone here read back on Kerry's posts on this thread and tell me what he's said that is of any use, is informative, or shows he knows what he's actually talking about.
Kopey, often i think he really does know what he's talking about. but he is just not a good communicator, if you know what i mean.
Give a man a fish, and he'll eat for a day. But ,flogging him into submission will result in him taking up crabbing.... and once he gets a taste of that sh*t, well, he may never return again.
Not a dam thing to do with you either Deiter but my advice is when all else fails don't start with the smart ar$e attitude, that's not any better than your mate. Your just being narky and that's your problem.and pls, before you respond to anything else, give us a bit of background on what you do for a living. You never know, just might help your cause.
But the thing you obviously don't understand either Deiter is a 2400 KC does not require 140's, was never really designed for that power and people who think they require 140's are only in it for the holeshot wank. You know the types who think they always have to be in front.
A 2400 is ideally suited to 115's and can actually use that power properly but in the case of suzzie the 115 is a stretched 90, which is a bit ar$e about face with other makes as the bottom end of the HP bracket in any engine is always going to be the better option.
'ol kopey here has says a lot of different things but can't even justify them to himself, reckon 115's go good on 28' 3.5 tonne powercats and yet thinks a 2400KC requires 140's, load of crap Deiter! Probably both of you need a bit of sea experience in a Cat to know the difference.
And if my memory serves me correct? Did someone mention what the top speed of the 2400 with 140's was? Tell me again
Regards, Kerry.
Kerry, if I was to spend that much on a 2400 KC I would opt for the maximum rated HP, would prefer to be overpowered than to struggle along with a belly full of fuel, esky full of beer and 6 blokes on board.
Just my opinion
Leezor, If you did spend that much of a 2400 then you would realize that the 140's were a waste of space even with the bigger fuel tank option. I can guarantee you a 2400 with 500 litres does not struggle with 115's. Some of the 2300's that were fitted with 140's was simply a waste of power on just about every day of the week.
An interesting comparison is the 2100 with 70 4S, which goes well, yet for an extra foot they think they need twice the HP?
For the DF140 engine nobody as yet has been able to indicate at what RPM this HP is achieved. WOT rev range is not an indication of where max HP is reached. Running a 4S is entirely different to a 2S as revs don't really worry a 2S but none of the 4S's are meant to run full bikkie.
I suppose you over power cats when under powering them will cost you nearly the same or more if it is a different brand.
Overpowering , not much point unless the advantages outway the disadvantages.
I think some owners out there did there homework ( which they do)
before they parted with the cold hard cash that we don't seem to have anymore.
Note I tried not to refer to any particular brand name.
I love 4 strokers but at the moment I have 2 stroke black anchors.
When some cold hard ones come along , I'll be buying me some
4 strokers that best suit my needs .
Not from some advertising gimic etc.....
I think Kopey is well aware of the above .
I think some people who use this site are not....
In the mid 90's we had a 328 Powercat with twin 165hp Diesels, and it always felt underpowered. The 165's where the minimum rec and it wasn't until a few years down the track they came out standard with the 200hp.
From this experience I would prefer to spend more up front and be overpowered than have to repower because it saved a few bucks initially.
Again, this is my opinion and am speaking from my personal experience.
If customer's want to go put 2 x DF140's on they're Kevlacats for which their rated to then why the f#@! cant they? Where here have I said that KC2400's need 2 x DF140's. Where does a tosser liker you get off on making all this BS up???Originally Posted by Kerry
What does this so called expert do for a living???
Perhaps I should talk to my mate Dan here who actually owns one of these KC2400 with 2 X DF140's and you can explain to him why his set up is as you are trying to say "unbalanced," or some BS like that.
Originally Posted by Kerry
HA, "Kerry" thought u left mate, why dont u do everyone a favour and just piss off again.
Hey Julian 1,
Our 21 ft cuddy cab Noosa Cat ( VMR JACOB'S WELL ) had 2 x 140 Suzy's
behind her.
There was good power to weight performance.
We only went to 150's for the towing side of it...
Hope this helps
hehe I love these types of threads.......
PS. I love the holeshot of my Cruisecraft with a 175 yammie on ass![]()