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Thread: 4 strokes for a Cat

  1. #61
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Re: 4 strokes for a Cat

    I have pulled the plugs out of Steve's twin DF115's many a time on the water, if you use the plug spanner supplied with the Suzuki toolkit you get when you buy one, you can easily access the bottom plug without removing the bottom cowls on any DF90/115/140 (any owners here try it for yourself).

    I think you should shut up before talking about something you don't know about. As you said: "get in the real world"

  2. #62

    Re: 4 strokes for a Cat

    The term "holeshot" is a wank and people who base performance relative to props with regard "holeshot" well ....... if the shoe fits ....! leave that one with the yanks.

    Oh cats enough to know the difference from as far back as 1972

  3. #63
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Re: 4 strokes for a Cat

    Holeshot refers to the speed at which a boat comes out of the water on plane from standing start. The ability to swing larger diameter props does make a difference in a cat application, just ask any of the VMR skippers here, the difference with the 16" dia props as opposed to what the 225 Yamies previously had was big. You'll probably find people on here that use motors with big foots for cat applications i.e 60 Yamie 4 strk High Thrust, same pricinple.

    So how many cats have you fitted out recently Kerry?

  4. #64

    Re: 4 strokes for a Cat

    This fixation with "holeshots" and wanting to run bigger props for thrust? especially where Cats are involved and especially with ones that do a lot of towing is pure americanised BS.

    "Holeshots" can't stand the term >

  5. #65

    Re: 4 strokes for a Cat

    So how many cats have you fitted out recently Kerry?

    So maybe you better tell me how many is enough to know the difference.

    Just what every rescue Cat requires is a "holeshot" BS

  6. #66

    Re: 4 strokes for a Cat

    These 140 4S's going on to KC2400's? One would have to call that HP over kill as there is no way they require twin 140's but for new comers I suppose most have this fixation with speed and "holeshots".

    I know the argument is always extra HP at no extra weight but really for what purpose, what does it achieve?

  7. #67
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Re: 4 strokes for a Cat

    So you had a shot at the bottom cowl design on the DF90/115/140 BS, then had a go at how hard you think it is to get at the bottom plug on a DF140, more BS, and now it basically comes down to the fact you have a problem with using the term "holeshot." Such an expert hey, Get over yourself Kerry.

    Like they say, "Don't argue with fools, they'll only bring you down to their level and beat you with their experience."

  8. #68
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Re: 4 strokes for a Cat

    Quote Originally Posted by Kerry
    These 140 4S's going on to KC2400's? One would have to call that HP over kill as there is no way they require twin 140's but for new comers I suppose most have this fixation with speed and "holeshots".

    I know the argument is always extra HP at no extra weight but really for what purpose, what does it achieve?
    Ask owners Dan Smith of Hotondo homes who owns one here I fitted, or Dan Dendle here who also owns a KC2400 with 2 x DF140's I service, or Fraser Coast sand and Gravel who also have a KC2400 I service and have a pair of DF140's. They all feel well balanced as far as I'm concerned, better to have a bigger engine that that just cruises along then a smaller engine that struggles. Just as economical to run a set of 140's at 4000rpm's then a pair of 100's at 5000 to achieve the same speed.

  9. #69

    Re: 4 strokes for a Cat

    Well seeing you had "fitted" all these 140's I thought you might have known? So it's all to do with speed then? and in any case you wouldn't be running 100's but 115's as the 130/140's that a few KC were fitted with really were not "balanced" at all. For sure go like a scalded cat but totally wasted.

  10. #70

    Re: 4 strokes for a Cat

    It would be interesting to see some of these same 140 Cat 4S's in 15-16 years time? Do you think these 140's will see out 15-16 years before replacement?

    Regards, Kerry.

  11. #71

    Re: 4 strokes for a Cat


    Can you explain the Suzi 5 year warranty?? Seems Suzi's outside of Aus only have 3 years. Is Haines picking up the extra 2 years warranty?? What will happen to the extra warranty if Suzi takes the distributorship back from Haines and moves back into Aus??

    Just Currious


    Retired Honda Master Tech

  12. #72

    Re: 4 strokes for a Cat


    Suzuki's 5 year warranty is a full factory warranty. I called and asked the direction direct. They also told me that the 5 year warranty is now available in New Zealand also.

    Have a look on the US website like i did. They have 6 in the USA.

    Just curious, why don't you call and ask haines the questions yourself???????

    Hopes this helps your curiosity.

  13. #73

    Re: 4 strokes for a Cat

    sorry, ment i aksed the questions direct. Best way to know what the go is.

  14. #74

    Re: 4 strokes for a Cat

    Quote Originally Posted by hphero

    Just curious, why don't you call and ask haines the questions yourself???????

    Cause I herd different People in the game tend to hear things the general public don't. Are you in the game HP hero


    Retired Honda Master Tech

  15. #75
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Re: 4 strokes for a Cat

    Quote Originally Posted by Kopey
    I have pulled the plugs out of Steve's twin DF115's many a time on the water, if you use the plug spanner supplied with the Suzuki toolkit you get when you buy one, you can easily access the bottom plug without removing the bottom cowls on any DF90/115/140 (any owners here try it for yourself).

    I think you should shut up before talking about something you don't know about. As you said: "get in the real world"

    Sorry gotta laugh!!!
    This is on the 'power for the revolution' Suzuki bandwagon..... hee hee hee
    I never ever had to take the plugs outta my rude!!! never mind on the water ha ha ha
    must just be a Kopey fix up eh

    And whilst I'm here on this board I dont frequent much (I wonder why with posts like this...NOT) I cant believe Kopey is being confrontational with another member????


    (awaiting the now standard ban for replying to this idiot.......and if so just delete me permanently..... I care not)

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