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Thread: 4 strokes for a Cat

  1. #76
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Re: 4 strokes for a Cat

    Steve racks up more hours then you'd ever dream of, and his boat is untrailerable and spends most of it's time in the water so on water maintenance is not uncommon. The servicing schedule for plugs is every 400 hours, he's racked up over 4000 hence the plug changes.

    An Etec as advertised has a scheduled service of either after 3 years or 300 hours. You obviously haven't racked up 300 hrs yet as the plugs would usually be one of the first things I'm sure the technician would be pulling out and checking.

  2. #77
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Jun 2006

    Re: 4 strokes for a Cat

    Quote Originally Posted by Kerry
    Well seeing you had "fitted" all these 140's I thought you might have known? So it's all to do with speed then? and in any case you wouldn't be running 100's but 115's as the 130/140's that a few KC were fitted with really were not "balanced" at all. For sure go like a scalded cat but totally wasted.
    Dan Smith's KC2400 use to have 2 x 115 2 strks and with his current setup now (2 x DF140's) he is burning less than half the fuel he used to as well as no oil. Aswell as being alot more economical his rig sits well in the water, the DF140's only weigh 188kgs. They are actually lighter than the 90's and 115's by a couple of kilos.

  3. #78
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Re: 4 strokes for a Cat

    Fair comment Kopey.

    I'll suck back on that comment.


  4. #79
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Re: 4 strokes for a Cat

    Any news yet Eagle Eye?????

  5. #80
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Jun 2006

    Re: 4 strokes for a Cat

    Quote Originally Posted by Kerry
    Well seeing you had "fitted" all these 140's I thought you might have known? So it's all to do with speed then? and in any case you wouldn't be running 100's but 115's as the 130/140's that a few KC were fitted with really were not "balanced" at all. For sure go like a scalded cat but totally wasted.
    Important to note too that I didn't fit the other the other 2 KC2400's if you read more carefully. They were actually in house Kevlacat cat fit outs. Perhaps you know better than the boat builders themselves.

  6. #81

    Re: 4 strokes for a Cat

    So it is the "boat builders" that know? Say Kopey who designed the 2400?

  7. #82
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Re: 4 strokes for a Cat

    No just the boat builder's who fitted it and the one's who specified the max recommended horsepower rating on it dopey.

  8. #83

    Re: 4 strokes for a Cat

    you bitches should relax, four strokes rule and who gives acrap if there a ####ing suzi or yammy or what, kopey you r a suzi man so just admit you are biased. you attract criticism with your comments

  9. #84
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Re: 4 strokes for a Cat

    Fourstroker man through and through just like if I was to buy a 60hp tommorow it'd have to be a Yammie cos I know it's the best in it's class, read the posts more buddy, I just say it how I see it, nothing more.

    Always amazes me what these internet heros can say behind their keyboards, yet meet them face to face and they cr@p themselves.

    P.S: comment intended to the people who are just here to annoy rather than post about the actual topic. >

  10. #85

    Re: 4 strokes for a Cat

    hmmm.....not cool mate, your attitude needs to be assessed, inflamatory remarks such as this are not necessary. the hero here seems to be yourself.

    insert smiley, laughing, etc face for effect

  11. #86
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Re: 4 strokes for a Cat

    I find the remark,"you bitches," inflammatory too, How bout contributing more positive comments related to the actual topic,"4 strokes for a cat."

    Do agree I spose, just let this expert here have his day.

  12. #87
    Ausfish Platinum Member lippa's Avatar
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    Jan 2006

    Re: 4 strokes for a Cat

    Quote Originally Posted by Kopey
    Fourstroker man through and through just like if I was to buy a 60hp tommorow it'd have to be a Yammie cos I know it's the best in it's class, read the posts more buddy, I just say it how I see it, nothing more.

    Always amazes me what these internet heros can say behind their keyboards, yet meet them face to face and they cr@p themselves.

    lets meet... and discuss the finer points of outboard observation.



    not an internet hero

  13. #88
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Re: 4 strokes for a Cat

    Not a problem lippa.

    Work at 5/8 Boatharbour drive Hervey Bay QLD 4655, pay a visit whenever you like.

  14. #89
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: 4 strokes for a Cat

    lippa is a big man, you are game pulling that on, hay kopey, just wondering if you feel that trouble seems to find you on every thread? may be it's just everyone else hay?

  15. #90
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Re: 4 strokes for a Cat

    Can't wait for him to pay a visit.

    I never directed that comment at him but if he feels the need to take a shot then bring it on. I'm not just going to sit here being insulted by this other @ss h@*e so called expert Kerry telling me how I should do my job. >

    I see he's still too gutless to even answer a simple question.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kopey
    Okay coward I'll put it to you plain and simple, What do you do for a job?
    By the way it's just after the first round about as you come in the Bay, see you there.

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