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200-225hp 4 Stroke Prices
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Thread: 200-225hp 4 Stroke Prices

  1. #1

    200-225hp 4 Stroke Prices

    Am looking into replacing my old two smoke with a new 200 or 225hp 4 banger. I really have my heart set on the Suzuki but am willing to consider other options depending on price. Has anyone had any recent experience and what sort of prices where paid?
    I spoke to a couple od Suzuki dealers and they both gave me the same price, so they must have a general RRP.
    Also, what sort of trade or price should I expect for a 1996 200HP Yamaha with 320hrs on the clock?



  2. #2

    Re: 200-225hp 4 Stroke Prices

    RE: Your Trade in Price

    I bought a 175hp Yamaha 1996 model (very good condition, but hours unknown) off a dealer for $4000 (Sundown Marine - Redcliffe) about four months ago. So I think your trade for the 200hp would be around the 3-4K mark.

    Unfortuantly these 10+ year old V6 two strokes have a very limited market due to their high fuel consumption. Its only silly buggers like me who do only a few hours a year that fuel is not too much of a concern.

    Hope this helps,


  3. #3

    Re: 200-225hp 4 Stroke Prices

    Thanks Sam, yeah if I can get $4000 for it I will be happy. Have a had a few quotes which are considerably less than what I expected for my new 4 stroke so can afford to drop the price or take a lower trade in price on my Yammy.
    I have been really happy with my current engine, but I finally convinced my missus to let me buy a new one. So I gotta move quickly before she changes her mind


  4. #4
    Ausfish Platinum Member whiteman's Avatar
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    Jul 2002
    Townsville Qld

    Re: 200-225hp 4 Stroke Prices

    Quote Originally Posted by leezor
    Also, what sort of trade or price should I expect for a 1996 200HP Yamaha with 320hrs on the clock?
    320 hours??? It's not even run in. For the life of me I can't see any reason why someone would spend a huge amount of cash to "upgrade" to a 4s if you're averaging 32 hours a year. You'd be better off selling the entire rig and hiring something BIG when needed. Have you really thought this through? You will be lucky to get $3k for the Yammy from a dealer so you're changeover cost will be close to $20k. For what? Save a few litres of fuel and marginally quieter when idling. The Yammy 2s is one of the most reliable and easy to service motors ever made. Keep the fuel and carbies clean and that's it. My 20c worth.

  5. #5
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Re: 200-225hp 4 Stroke Prices

    sending pm on pricing differences for suzis
    Whiteman he might be rich or an eviromentalist, or both but it's his cash and good luck to him.

  6. #6

    Re: 200-225hp 4 Stroke Prices

    2006 model run out sale on now, could save a few G's if you shop around

  7. #7

    Re: 200-225hp 4 Stroke Prices

    The main reason I want to upgrade is for piece of mind. The reef is around 80 km offshore from Townsville and would feel much more relaxed with a brand new donk. Remember, my current engine is over 10 years old now and as I have only had it for 3 months am not sure of it's history. Yes, it goes well and hasn't missed a beat since I have had it but would feel much safer being that far offshore with my two teenage boys and a brand spanking new donk hanging off the back.
    From all accounts I should be able to save around $100 of fuel per trip with the 4 stroke, and will be able to make conversation while underway.

    Some people spend there money on flash cars others choose to spend their money on boats, I know what I would rather spend my money on. Can't catch coral trout in a commodore

  8. #8
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Re: 200-225hp 4 Stroke Prices

    How did you get on with the Gladstone crew, be very interested to know.
    cheers peter

  9. #9

    Re: 200-225hp 4 Stroke Prices

    hi , if your looking at the suzukis try greame jeffers motorsports , mango hill . you can get his details off the haines suzuki web site and he does real good deals , i got my 140 from him .

  10. #10

    Re: 200-225hp 4 Stroke Prices

    Hi Peter, prices for the DF225 have ranged from around $21k in Hervey Bay to $25k up here in Townsville. Satisfaction Marine quoted me $22k and where extremely helpful. I found a used 2006 model DF225 for $16,500 with 100 hours on it which was tempting. I would have bought that one except it only had 6 months warranty. Figured I would rather spend the extra and get the full 5 years.
    Have arranged to take mine in to the local dealer for a trade in appraisal this afternoon, will take all the figures I have from the other dealers and see if he can come to the party.

  11. #11
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Re: 200-225hp 4 Stroke Prices

    I have a Signature 650F with a 225 Suzi and am more than happy with it, quiet, economical and absolutley reliable. I am a 100% with you when you are up to 60 nm offshore you feel way more comfortable with a new motor on the back. By the way Jeffersen Motorsport supplied mine, good to deal with and a top price.

  12. #12

    Re: 200-225hp 4 Stroke Prices

    Thanks for that Synergy, am taking my boat in this arvo to have the DF225 fitted. What sort of fuel consumption are you getting out of a 120nm round trip?



  13. #13
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    Re: 200-225hp 4 Stroke Prices

    I just went through this whole process, didn't get the new motor due to certain circumstances..... We got offered 8k for our 2001 200hp merc when every other dealer was offering us 4-5k. Interested to know what you got for a trade in....Who was selling that suzuki for 16.5k??

  14. #14

    Re: 200-225hp 4 Stroke Prices

    Satisfaction Marine on the Gold Coast, they recently traded them from a QLD Government department vessel at the Whitsundays. They came off a rigid inflatable which was upgraded to DF250's.
    Have done 100hrs, ECU has had the update and are plated 06 models.

    They have sold 1 of them already, ask to speak with Chris.

    Only reason I didn't buy it cos I really want the cover of the 5 year warranty offered with the new ones.

    I ended up getting $3k for my Yammie.



  15. #15

    Re: 200-225hp 4 Stroke Prices

    Gee I wonder if Haines Group would be happy with Satisfaction having that domain name

    Lee - what rigging kit did you go with on the new Zuke ? You get the Commander gauges with fuel management ?



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