It was voluntary for the manufacturers / importers. end of story.
and all it is, is a label so you can tell what is what.
I did some numbers for a conference last week. A 40hp carb 4 stroke we looked out puts out .39 of a kg of emissions in a standard hour (I think 10 mins at full power 10 at 80% etc) . This one is rated at 3 star.
so think of a tea cup full.
a 15hp 2 stroke tested to the same standard puts out 1.9 kg of emissions - so think of a 2 litre bottle of coke. That model is 1 star (just)
If we fishers do really care about the environment - then we dont need to be told what to do. We should do the right thing and buy 3 star products. If enough people do, then then there is no need for legislation. If few make the right choice thne there will be pressure for standards.
So guys - here is the opportunity.