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Outboard Emissions Labelling - New scheme
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Thread: Outboard Emissions Labelling - New scheme

  1. #1

    Outboard Emissions Labelling - New scheme

    Emissions: we will have a new emissions labelling system in Australia starting 1 January - though they will start to appear on outboards in November.

    The emissions scheme draws on the USA schemes. The two main emissions measured are Hydrocarbons (HC) and Nitrous Oxides (NOx) combined as g/kw/hr.

    The star rating system will be as follows:
    Zero star - High emission (>250g/kw/hr) - will be a handful of older design 2-stroke engines.
    One star - Low emission - most traditional 2-stroke engines.
    Two star - Very low emission - some 2 stroke DI and 4 stroke engines.
    Three star - Ultra low emission - many 2 stroke DI and 4 stroke engines.

    The Scheme will be known as VELS (Voluntary Emissions Labelling Scheme) and is run by OEDA (Outboard Engine Distributors Association) which has only 6 members: Yamaha, Suzuki, Tohatsu, Mercury, Honda and BRP (Johnson + Evinrude).

    Until now we have seen a mix of European, USA (EPA and CARB) and Japanese labels. Now, for the first time we will have a consistent scheme so buyers can tell what is what.

    The industry did this as a positive and I think generous gesture. So I think they need to be congratulated.

    There will be a web site and a lot more information coming out over the next few months.

    I am happy to hear any questions or issues and will pas them on. I also have all the fine technical details if you are interested.

    0412 111 573

  2. #2

    Re: Outboard Emissions Labelling - New scheme

    Hi Gary

    a couple of questions for you

    Who is responsible for putting a sticker on a particular engine?

    Will existing engines in the feild qualify for a sticker and if so how will they get a sticker?

    Is the new web site going to list the emission output of every engine in production at the moment?

    Thats it for now



    Retired Honda Master Tech

  3. #3

    Re: Outboard Emissions Labelling - New scheme

    a couple of answers ....

    Each company will decide their exact details - but my best guess is:

    Who is responsible for putting a sticker on a particular engine?

    - most manufacturers will make it part of the dealer schedule. They should probably be applied as soon as it is un-crated and before it goes on display. Expect to see a dealer bulletin any day.

    Will existing engines in the field qualify for a sticker and if so how will they get a sticker? Existing (new) motors held in dealer stock will also be labelled and that should be handled by the sales staff.

    Is the new web site going to list the emission output of every engine in production at the moment? Probably not … but its not a bad idea. I can answer any questions you may have.

  4. #4

    Re: Outboard Emissions Labelling - New scheme

    Might have to fire up the digi camera and the sign plotter and make me some of those for my old 115merc, can see a business idea here. In all seriousness thats all it would take to make an oldy look better to the unsuspection boat buyer.

  5. #5

    Re: Outboard Emissions Labelling - New scheme

    Blaze, your right there.

    Gary whats the go there?? how is it going to be Policed


    Retired Honda Master Tech

  6. #6

    Re: Outboard Emissions Labelling - New scheme

    Gary , my imagination runs wild , what are doing , sureing up manager
    appointments, ????
    Or are your true ambitions political correctness ?????
    All your posts seem to be of a green goverment malignment, this is what it is going to be nature.
    How bout you let everyone know what your real intentions are ...?????
    Be honest ... not correct........

  7. #7

    Re: Outboard Emissions Labelling - New scheme

    Anybody game to guess the star rating of a 90hp Evinrude E Tec that I am thinking of buying.

  8. #8

    Re: Outboard Emissions Labelling - New scheme


    What is this ? pick on Gary day?

    Would you like to fix your post? - I cant follow much of that. Both the grammar and the spelling have me puzzled.

    However I will do the best I can.

    1 stop being paranoid
    2 It should be obvious to anyone that there is green and government pressure to have emissions standards for outboards. Clearly that would mean no more old technology 2 strokes imported.
    3 By having a voluntary standard it leaves it up to the consumer to do the right thing, rather than having it forced upon you. Depending on what people do – voluntarily, will mean whether we have regulations or not.
    4 I bought a 4 stroke because it is cleaner. You could say I bought it for exactly the same reason I don’t throw my rubbish overboard.

  9. #9

    Re: Outboard Emissions Labelling - New scheme

    HI Gary
    ok i own a 1989 115Hp Yamaha 2 stroke and runs well
    in your statement you have stated that it will be voluntary > > >

    By having a voluntary standard it leaves it up to the consumer to do the right thing, rather than having it forced upon you. Depending on what people do – voluntarily, will mean whether we have regulations or not

    first of all most people to whom have boats with older motors on them that is all they can afford if it come's to forced regulations is the government going to buy back our motors for what they are worth i do not think so and give us a rebate on the new motors once again i do not think so

    this is what it will come down to the government is trying to dictate to us no longer a freedom to own your own vessel to what you can afford or if you can not afford the price you will no longer be able to fish as your old motor is nolonger environmentally sound just another way around government closures > > >

    oh and i am not being paranoid but it is what i can see from various statements being made in the second part of Statement

    as for last statement most of us fisho's are enviromentally friendly and try to keep the garbage out of the oceans yes there are some that throw Plastic, Beer bottles over the side or where they fish or camp but most people are very good on things

    no i am not having a go at you Gary but the idea that a Greenie eyed dewb or Government bone head can tells us this is the motors you have to buy then they need to look at the rebate system for us the same way as water tanks and water saving devices

    i do not no what the rest of you guys think about this > > >

    Gary like most of your articles they are full of knowledge and i do enjoy reading them as they lets us know what is coming or what to expect so by no means am i having a shot at you


  10. #10

    Re: Outboard Emissions Labelling - New scheme

    Buy Back? You have misread the facts

    This is a voluntary standard. All it is is a label that tells you what you are buying.

    IF - in several years and a complete failure of Australians to buy cleaner motors then there could be pressure to introduce legislation.

    And if they did - then there would still be no buy back needed. Why? any new regulations will be for N E W purchases.

    When they introduced lead free petrol and catalytic converters did you have to scrap your old cars?

    When they introduced Euro 3 emission standards on cars ( 1 Jan 2006 I think) did they take 2005 and older cars off the road?

    There is NO talk repeat none at all, at State or Federal level about banning the motors that exist now or a buy back.

    if ever there is legislation it will effect new imports - not existing motors on boats, at dealers or on a ship heading for Australia.

  11. #11


    Gary whats the go there?? how is it going to be Policed?

    It will be policd the same way as if you put a 50hp sticker on a 40hp. its called false pretences or fraud or something like that.

    I heard the fishing club in jail aint so good ...


  12. #12

    Re: Outboard Emissions Labelling - New scheme

    The 90 hp E-TEC is 3 star.

  13. #13

    Re: Outboard Emissions Labelling - New scheme

    Gary , grammer , the correct form of the english language, which is only needed when you have to communicate with overeducated under skilled people.
    Yes , i was picking on gary day.
    I was asking why you seem to be so involved in all these " new decisions".
    I was also asking , if you have a motive other than just being involved
    for the fun of it.
    I was also implying that you , might not be an honest person in regards
    to the lifejacket survey.
    People do not like being told " that is it" , and now do this or you may end up in the fishing club in jail.
    I personally think you do not truly understand your lesser man.
    I am paranoid of nerds , telling everyone else what they are to do.
    When in reality , the nerds need to be told.
    Please continue this ,

  14. #14

    Re: Outboard Emissions Labelling - New scheme

    another friendly bump

    Retired Honda Master Tech

  15. #15
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    Re: Outboard Emissions Labelling - New scheme

    what a joke..a voluntary scheme...why not set some standards and if they do not make those standards then they cannot be sold here..similar to MEPS system on some appliances

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