Emissions: we will have a new emissions labelling system in Australia starting 1 January - though they will start to appear on outboards in November.
The emissions scheme draws on the USA schemes. The two main emissions measured are Hydrocarbons (HC) and Nitrous Oxides (NOx) combined as g/kw/hr.
The star rating system will be as follows:
Zero star - High emission (>250g/kw/hr) - will be a handful of older design 2-stroke engines.
One star - Low emission - most traditional 2-stroke engines.
Two star - Very low emission - some 2 stroke DI and 4 stroke engines.
Three star - Ultra low emission - many 2 stroke DI and 4 stroke engines.
The Scheme will be known as VELS (Voluntary Emissions Labelling Scheme) and is run by OEDA (Outboard Engine Distributors Association) which has only 6 members: Yamaha, Suzuki, Tohatsu, Mercury, Honda and BRP (Johnson + Evinrude).
Until now we have seen a mix of European, USA (EPA and CARB) and Japanese labels. Now, for the first time we will have a consistent scheme so buyers can tell what is what.
The industry did this as a positive and I think generous gesture. So I think they need to be congratulated.
There will be a web site and a lot more information coming out over the next few months.
I am happy to hear any questions or issues and will pas them on. I also have all the fine technical details if you are interested.
0412 111 573