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Wayward driving
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Thread: Wayward driving

  1. #1
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Wayward driving

    I have a curious problem that I was hopeful that the guru's of Ausfish may be able to help. My boat (Seafarer Vamp - 5m centre console) is quite difficult to steer straight at very slow speeds, it has a tendancy to wander from side to side to the point that it constantly requires correction to keep it going straight (obviously increasing the degree of difficulty of driving in up on the trailer ). Once on the plane this tendancy to wander disappears completely.

    Any ideas???? The boat also requires a far kick in the guts to get on the plane, with one person suggesting I need a foil, could this be one of the causes of my problem???

    Look forward to your replys

  2. #2

    Re: Wayward driving

    havnt got a gut ful of water under your floor, exta weight to get on the plane, water slopping when gooing slow making it hard to steer, water moves rearward and stabalises once one the plane.

  3. #3
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Re: Wayward driving

    Thanks for the info Blaze, but no, it happens from the start of the day when their is definately no water at all in the hull

  4. #4
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: Wayward driving

    This is a common problem with power boats at low speed.
    I used to skipper the Coastal Patrol's Melbourne Training Vessel (12 metre timber displacement ex-army workboat), and it was all over the place at very low speed due to insufficient water flow over the rudder.
    With my own vessels - the last one a Swifcraft SeaHawk MxII with 90HP Evinrude it steered best at low speed with the motor trimmed all the way in, which forced the bow down giving more hull/keel in the water.
    My current boat (Whittley Cruiser 660/Mercruiser sterndrive) is worse, but I can minimise the effect by trimming in and lowering BOTH trim tabs fully, which once again forces the bow bown into the water.
    The other thing you can do, is try not to chase the boat all over the place with the wheel- you will find it develops a pattern of veering slightly each way, and will correct itself to a large degree if left alone. It is very easy to over-correct and make the situation worse.

  5. #5
    Ausfish Addict Chimo's Avatar
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    Gold Coast

    Re: Wayward driving

    Hi Vic1

    Its a little hard to make sensible suggestions without some more info please.

    The 5m Vamp is essentially a VSea hull with a pod.

    Have you asked the manaufacturer?

    How long have you had the boat

    Who set it up

    What motor HP do you have

    What revs is the motor doing at idle

    What propeller are you running

    Is the problem the same no matter how far out the motor is trimmed

    Is the motor sitting on the transom or has it been lifted

    A fin probably won't change the steering characteristics at idle

    Whats different, new motor, different prop, ............

    Looking forward to some info



    What could go wrong.......................

  6. #6
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Re: Wayward driving


    Answers to your questions

    Have you asked the manaufacturer?

    Manufacturer of the boat (Seafarer) aren't very forthcoming with much info about anything. Iv'e had a few seperate queries over the past 2 years and haven't been given intelligent responses, so I'd rather go to a forum like this first

    How long have you had the boat

    2 years

    Who set it up

    Jet 1 Marine in Parramatta (bought it from a guy in Sydney)

    What motor HP do you have

    90Hp Evinrude FICHT 03 model

    What revs is the motor doing at idle

    Not sure, need to check this on the next trip

    What propeller are you running

    17 inch

    Is the problem the same no matter how far out the motor is trimmed

    Yes, there doesn't seem to be any major difference

    Is the motor sitting on the transom or has it been lifted

    On transom

    A fin probably won't change the steering characteristics at idle

    Whats different, new motor, different prop, ............

    Nothing is different, it's just that I've put up with the problem for 2 years and now I want do something about it

    Look forward to your reply

  7. #7

    Re: Wayward driving

    Firstly - what is the steering system on the boat?

    If it is standard cable steering, then your best options are Tele-Flex non feed back steering needed, or the more expensive option of hydrolic steering (have seen them for around $700, maybe cheeper, not sure).

    I recently installed the Tele-Flex non feedback steer and it prevents all wandering at slow speeds, now I can trawl in a straight line, cost was $156 for the column, using my existing cables etc.

    Hope this helps

  8. #8
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Re: Wayward driving

    Fat Chilli

    I've got hydraulic steering

  9. #9

    Re: Wayward driving

    Well that scrubs my thoughts

  10. #10

    Re: Wayward driving

    Have you got air in the steering lines, is there very much play in the wheel

  11. #11
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Wayward driving

    As blaze suggests, check for air in the system or insufficient hyd fluid in the unit.
    hyd steering shouldn't wander around so noticeably.

    if it's not the hyd unit then it may be a simple case of not enough water flow past the leg for it to act effectively as a rudder, and so you're correcting constantly, as suggested by topaz, then the transverse thrust of the prop dominates control.

    what's your definition of 'very slow speeds', < 3 knots ?? or faster?


  12. #12

    Re: Wayward driving

    Do you have a sea star ram???

    best Idea is to go down to the engine and wobble it from side to side to see if anything is loose. There should be minimal play.

    My guess is that one of the locking rings on the ram is loose giving you heaps of play


    Retired Honda Master Tech

  13. #13
    Ausfish Platinum Member peterbo3's Avatar
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    Jan 2003

    Re: Wayward driving

    Is your hull true? Not the first time a hull has warped in a mould. Try running a stringline along the keel....will quickly show up any faults.
    If the hull is straight, is it too heavy at the back end? Podding a boat can change the handling enormously, especially at low speed
    when there is relatively little thrust being generated by the prop. Try some ballast up front. Some sandbags or water jerrycans. Start at 100kg & go up to perhaps 150kg. If you have batteries at the stern, can you move them forward on a temporary basis?
    ROLL TIDE, ROLL.................


  14. #14
    Ausfish Addict Chimo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Gold Coast

    Re: Wayward driving

    Hi Vic1

    Thanks for your answers.

    Can you be more specific about the prop please.

    Is it Al

    Is it stainless

    If stainless

    is it a Viper

    or Raker

    Or what?


    What could go wrong.......................

  15. #15
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Re: Wayward driving


    Not much play in the wheel, maybe 5-10 degrees at most


    Slow speeds less than 6 knots

    Spaniard King

    The hydarulic set-up is a Hydrive Admiral series. I checked the engine and their is absolutely minimal play (when the engine wobbles, so does the rest of the boat )


    The prop is Al (was painted once upon a time.......) prop still in good nick though

    Hope this helps

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