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Which outboard is cleaner? - Page 4
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Thread: Which outboard is cleaner?

  1. #46

    Re: Which outboard is cleaner?

    I have an E-TEC and I love it.No guessing were my vote was

  2. #47
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Re: Which outboard is cleaner?

    I'd have to go the Honda, assuming all are 4 strokes, but I'd suspect with modern engines, they would all be similar.


  3. #48

    Re: Which outboard is cleaner?

    Just a bump for those who want to read

    Retired Honda Master Tech

  4. #49
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Re: Which outboard is cleaner?

    I spose Honda really push the green image a bit. They are finally however just replacing the carburetted 75/90 and are yet to replace the carbed 40/50 so from a green perspective of a 4 stroke point of view I think the Suzi's 4 strokes and even Yamies 4 strokers are a touch ahead. They do still however produce and sell 2 strokes which puts Honda ahead in that respect I spose.

    A 2 stroke be it DI or standard has got to use oil no matter what. Even at a ridiculously low 7.2 L per 100 hours as used for 200 Etec (claimed), that's still 7 or so litres that the 4 stroke didn't put directly into the environment.

    That's just the way I see it anyway
    Cheers Adam

  5. #50

    Re: Which outboard is cleaner?


    the emission tests are what is actually put into the atmosphere oil or no oil, these are not calculations they are tests.



    Retired Honda Master Tech

  6. #51
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Re: Which outboard is cleaner?


    Global warming has officially started as of last week. John Howard said so.

    So shouldn't CO2 emmissions be considered also. Are all outboards of a given capacity about the same?


  7. #52

    Re: Which outboard is cleaner?

    Quote Originally Posted by whichway

    Global warming has officially started as of last week. John Howard said so.

    So shouldn't CO2 emmissions be considered also. Are all outboards of a given capacity about the same?

    Whichway, construction has a lot to do with emissions. Some manufacturers are ahead of others with there technology in reducing emissions. if your talking a capacity of four strokes or DFI 2 strokes then yes there is not a lot of difference but you need to keep them in there own categories as it does differ alot from say a carby 2 stroke to a carby 4 stroke.


    Retired Honda Master Tech

  8. #53
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Re: Which outboard is cleaner?

    Which outboard is cleaner? Easy, the Black one's White and light silver show up alot more stains.

  9. #54

    Re: Which outboard is cleaner?

    Quote Originally Posted by Kopey
    Which outboard is cleaner? Easy, the Black one's White and light silver show up alot more stains.
    Crap matey, The Black ones show all the salt water spots
    Ha, just joshing with you
    My silver one is pretty clean, so is the grey one and so is the black tower of power (it's bloody hard to keep clean and shiney though...bloody salt spray >).
    The cook doesn't call me the Ted Bulpit of the boats for nothing you know.

    PS I do have a Kingswood too

  10. #55
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Re: Which outboard is cleaner?

    Just use a bit of Septone drifter gelcoat restorer, brush on area and rinse. That gets it off.

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