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Which outboard is cleaner? - Page 3
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Thread: Which outboard is cleaner?

  1. #31

    Re: Which outboard is cleaner?


    You are not making a lot of clarity there mate

    No one mentioned a Honda 30hp

    Emission rating (HC+NOx g/kw/hr)

    Honda 4st 30 hp 14.08
    Tohatsu 4st 30 hp 14.51
    Tohatsu 2st 30 hp 164.16

    Source USA EPA

  2. #32
    Ausfish Platinum Member StevenM's Avatar
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    May 2005

    Re: Which outboard is cleaner?

    Ok Gary, who is the winner and what are the results




  3. #33

    Re: Which outboard is cleaner?


    - The fish, oceans and the environment if you buy one of the 4 strokes.

    - The oil companies if you buy the 2 stroke

    Lets not start any more arguement that 2 stokes accelerate better. Yes they are.

    I am just asking people to also consider emissions when they buy. In this case the 2 stroke is 11 times worse for the fish. ( CLARIFICATION: average of 11 times the emissions of Hydrocarbons and Nirtous Oxides which are the only two pollutants regulated by US EPA and CARB. Europe regulates these tow and Carbon Monoxide)

    Gary Fooks
    Eco Friendly Fishing Association (EFFA)

  4. #34
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: Which outboard is cleaner?

    Gary, that is one of the best arguments i have read about why i should buy a 4 stroke. I've read a lot of threads about how much fuel you can save and how passionate certain owners are about which motor they have bought. But i've never seen actual figures on the emissions. The environmental argument alone will make me look towards a 4s when the time comes for a new motor.

  5. #35

    Re: Which outboard is cleaner?

    Lets clarify

    When I say 2 Stokes - I mean Carby and EFI

    Direct Injection 2 strokes are in the same category as 4 Strokes. Low emissions and low fuel consumption.

    Direct Injection (DI) 2 strokes are Yamaha HDPI, Tohatsu TLDI, Mercury Optimax and Evinrude E-TEC.

    Personally - I am looking for a new motor soon on my short list are 3 motors - two of them are 4 Strokes and one is a DI 2 stroke.


  6. #36
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Apr 2006

    Re: Which outboard is cleaner?

    OK, but wheres the results of the poll? surely you will post them after us all taking part for you?

  7. #37

    Re: Which outboard is cleaner? who's gunna put a cat on there carby/EFI 2 stroke

    found here

    Retired Honda Master Tech

  8. #38
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Jan 2006

    Re: Which outboard is cleaner?

    how do they put a cat on a 2s outboard?????? where????? won't it get wrecked by the oil/fumes?

  9. #39

    Re: Which outboard is cleaner?

    Quote Originally Posted by thesimmos
    I am curious what the true emissions comparision would be between a Tohatsu and a Honda 30 HP 4 Stroke..

    I am curious why Nugget chose the Honda Carbi over the Tohastu EFI... Unless of course your talking about a larger 4 stroke than a 30 which case tohatsu cannot compete.
    As I was in the market for a new 90hp motor recently so I looked pretty hard at emission figures.
    I'm a long way from deciphering the gobbledygook that Gary can quote off the top of his head but my simpleton understanding of the numbers indicated to me that - of all 4 strokes, the Hondas had the lowest emissions.
    Off all the 2 strokes, the E-Techs had the lowest emissions.
    A comparison between the Honda 4 stroke and the E-tech 2 stroke showed very little difference.
    The main thing I noticed was how far ahead 4 strokes and all direct injection 2 strokes were over the older designed carbie models.

    Dave ><>

  10. #40
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Apr 2006

    Re: Which outboard is cleaner?

    Hi Dave,

    I chose a 4 stroke because they are really quiet but have heard alot of the newer 2 strokes can be just as quiet.

    Also because of the rumours that 2 strokes may be stopped from going in certain areas. I have heard that they have already done this in some areas because they can pollute quite badly. I think more in freshwater areas for obvious reasons these days... i sure dont want a glass of water and oil.. (yes i know they process it i am just using an ignorant comment)

    Mind you I had a Yamaha 40 and after I moved here from Sydney I took it for its first run and even after starting it at home the smoke bellowed from one end of Raby Bay ramp to the other.. I am certain people where thinking "bloody mexican's they come up here and pollute our water ways..."

    After taking my boat out a number of times and having pretty much the same thing happen along with the motor being unreliable and old I ended up looking into a new motor..

    With the Tohatsu one of the things that appealed to me was the ability to pull start even if your battery was totally flat.. and also not having to take the cowling off to do it.. but i guess this thread is about cleaner with that said and based on the figures Honda wins.

    • Honda 4st 30 hp 14.08
    • Tohatsu 4st 30 hp 14.51

    I actually was planning to buy a Honda I think from the same place as yourself Dave but the fact that the Tohatsu was the only EFI with that pullstart with no battery in its size at the time thats what I chose.

    Simmo. (1.2% of the vote)

    PS. Is anyone amazed that Suzuki had so many votes? I truely expected Honda to win not E-Tec

  11. #41
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    May 2006

    Re: Which outboard is cleaner?

    i think that when people see the marketing of the new honda 5 year warranty the results may change.

  12. #42
    Ausfish Platinum Member lippa's Avatar
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    Jan 2006

    Re: Which outboard is cleaner?

    can you give any more detail on the new 5 year warraty flotto ? i'm interested in purchasing a 75hp tiller for my boat and would love to hear the ins and outs of honda's warranty schedule. pm me with some details, if ya don't want to post them here.

    ps hows mumma jugs?

    cheers in beers


  13. #43

    Re: Which outboard is cleaner?

    I read the release

    Its a straight down the line 5 year warrantee on all new Hondas for private use - no scams no 2+3 or anything funny. Just a genuine 5 years.

    Is that the longest in the industry ?

  14. #44
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    May 2006

    Re: Which outboard is cleaner?


    honda have introduced 5 year warranty 1/6/2006 as a preveiw for the new models they will release in november this year, they are 2 new models and i believe the motor you are looking for will be one of the new motors, i have herd from sources that it is light weight, awesome looking, and has technology unique to honda as you would expect, looking forward to getting as much info as i can and will let you know.

    mumma is good, some say they turn eval, so fo so good. let me go riding yesterday while she packed.

    take me fishing again soon lippa, i have a coral trout for this weekend if your keen for a chew.

  15. #45
    Ausfish Platinum Member lippa's Avatar
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    Jan 2006

    Re: Which outboard is cleaner?

    coral trout, pheww, i rather eat some of kingtins vermin from the pine!!!!!!!!!!!! not!

    mumma jugs lets you get away with way too much!

    let me know when your moving. so i can make sure i'm away that weekend!!!!!!!

    p.s, i am away if its this weekend, i'l miss out on the trout!!!

    pps outboard needs service, bad, and a new tell tale! hey flotsom?

    ppps i voted honda!!



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