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Outboard Motor Weight versus Horse Power
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Thread: Outboard Motor Weight versus Horse Power

  1. #1

    Outboard Motor Weight versus Horse Power

    The manufacturer of my friends boat states the maximum horse power for his boat hull is 200, however when he bought the boat it had a 225 horsepower engine on it. When he queried this difference with the boat yard (who is also a designated rep in Queensland for this brand) the salesman stated that the engine was under the maximum weight limit for the transom.
    Is this a problem or can the manufactures horse power limit be exceeded so long as you remain under the maximum transom weight.

  2. #2

    Re: Outboard Motor Weight versus Horse Power


    I think where all this weight/HP thing falls down is when insurance companies get involved. Hulls have previously been designed around HP which has been a structual issue ie only built to carry x amount of HP. Now 4 strokes have landed on the market manufacturers have had to include maximum weight.

    I have been thru this with a manufacturer who re issued a plate for a particular boat to carry the extra HP this covered the owner for insurrance purposes, otherwise in any accident that was investigated propperly he would have been liable.


    Retired Honda Master Tech

  3. #3

    Re: Outboard Motor Weight versus Horse Power

    Isn't there now a requirement for BOTH weight AND hp to be plated with the motor meeting BOTH requirements.

  4. #4

    Re: Outboard Motor Weight versus Horse Power

    well mine hasn't got a plate at all!!!

    Apparrently this has only become compulsory in the last few years, or so the builder said whan i called.

    anyone confirm or deny?
    Give a man a fish, and he'll eat for a day. But ,flogging him into submission will result in him taking up crabbing.... and once he gets a taste of that sh*t, well, he may never return again.

  5. #5

    Re: Outboard Motor Weight versus Horse Power

    Yep, went through this with my razerline. ALL the brochures stipulate a max HP of 90 then when I took delivery the plate had no max HP but a max HP weight. I queried this with the dealer because the max weight of 180kg meant I could have put a 115 on the back. He checked with Razerlien who said yep, it'd be alright so I'm thinking of getting a 115TLDI, but then I see that the 135TLDI is the same motor and due for release later this year.

    Hmmmmmmmmmmmm, decisions , think I'll have to double check that one with the insurance company but huh!

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