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Modifying front windscreen area for standing room - Page 4
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Thread: Modifying front windscreen area for standing room

  1. #46

    Re: Modifying front windscreen area for standing r

    WOW -

    Looks pretty awsome and practical!


    DOes it get hot underneath all that plastic?

    What have you doen to your insides? Photos?

    Particularaly of the driver's area?


  2. #47

    Re: Modifying front windscreen area for standing r

    Here is what I am faced with when standing..

    Note slanted floor area buts up to step(about 100mm deep) - right where my feet go..

    So I have to turn my feet side ways to fit, crouch, etc..


  3. #48

    Re: Modifying front windscreen area for standing r


  4. #49

    Re: Modifying front windscreen area for standing r


  5. #50

    Re: Modifying front windscreen area for standing r


  6. #51
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Re: Modifying front windscreen area for standing r

    Hi Smelly
    Looking at your pictures i think it is also a haines?? maybe a 1650 or similar. in pic 6 it looks like the old haines badge just below the windscreen.

    If yours is a haines, you don't get something for nothing, to keep the floor height as low as possible they have the about 5-6" of angled hull where it meats the floor. As you said a real pain to stand on or if you have your knees against the gunwall in a sloppy sea.

    In answer to your questions.

    1) I utilise the space under the bow and in the side pocket as best i can. eg. If you look in the side pocket under the throttle you will see a torch aeroguard, WD40, sharpening stone, fish scaler, cleaning brush and sunburn cream all in the one place, held in position with a piece of car tube screwed on the inside of the pocket so they are always there when I want them and held tight. Do things like that in the limited space you have and you will be supprised how much crap you can fit in the boat. And how much more pleasant it is fishing because you know where everything is. As with the mods to your boat, set up the inside to suit yourself.

    Another tip, only take the crap you need and use and I go though it all every couple of months to cull out the stuff that just happened to get in there since the last time I did it. Although I am by no means anal about things I know what is in my boat.

    2) I stand on the carpet just behind the blue fish box with the anchor rope in it. Fishing solo I have always retrieved the anchor over the side so i can motor up on the anchor, conect retriever buoy or whatever.

    3) I feels just right for me, steering a little low (although i am about 5'9") but not uncomfortable. The top of the wave breaker is about nipple height and I can put my right arm on top of the grab rail and lean on it if you know what I mean when motoring around slow.

    4) Feel very comfortable on the side, gunnel comes up to crutch height but from where I am driving I stand inline with the trottle and the screen comes past me with the grab rail to hang on to.
    As i said, I push the boat as hard as I can in some ordinary seas and i have never felt it to be unsafe.

    5) The wave breaker is built of 3mm ally, 25mm ally grabrail podercoated. I built it myself and my brother powdercoated it at his work so it cost me little.
    Cost wise, if you had to have it done. about $200 for the ally, $150 for powdercoating, around $300-$400 for someone to fabricate it.

    The seadevil and the sydel craft are fibregalss and factory made and come standard on those boats.

    A little long winded but you seem like a bloke who wants to know as much as you can about all topics. Good on you.
    Boats a learning curve most of us gain over a long period of time 20-30years, your learning curve seems to be going vertical at the moment. All good fun though eh.
    I m not saying you should do what i have done, i am saying we are all different and use our boats for different things. look at a lot of boats and ideas and do what suits you.
    Regards Wayne

  7. #52

    Re: Modifying front windscreen area for standing r

    Thanks Wayne.

    I like learnign what I can do to my boat and getting the best out of it.

    Yes - Haines HUnter 530 SLR 1989.

    Re: 5-6" of angled hull (meeting floor) - Can I cut away that portion of the 100mm vertical step for extra height - and nto affect structure?

    THis step is part of the entire floor...


  8. #53
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Re: Modifying front windscreen area for standing r

    Hi Smelly
    Here is a photo of the steering wheel in the boat I used to have. It was in the boat when I bought it 20 years ago. I don't know if you can still buy them. Great steering wheel for stand up though. Wow where did that 20 years go?


  9. #54
    Ausfish Platinum Member 2DKnBJ's Avatar
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    Jan 2005

    Re: Modifying front windscreen area for standing r

    Hi Smelly
    Couple of answers for you

    Cost....Conopy,clears and launchers just under $3000

    It is quite comfortable under the canopy as it is very open and certainly beats sitting in the sun all day.

    I have taken a few pics for you.

    Cheers Dazza

  10. #55
    Ausfish Platinum Member peterbo3's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    Re: Modifying front windscreen area for standing r
    This is the link. You may want to go into Glascraft again to eyeball it. The idea is to remove the entire seat box then remount it onto the track which will allow you to slide it back when you want to stand up & steer.
    ROLL TIDE, ROLL.................


  11. #56
    Ausfish Platinum Member 2DKnBJ's Avatar
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    Jan 2005

    Re: Modifying front windscreen area for standing r


  12. #57
    Ausfish Platinum Member 2DKnBJ's Avatar
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    Jan 2005

    Re: Modifying front windscreen area for standing r

    Under front deck

  13. #58
    Ausfish Platinum Member 2DKnBJ's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Re: Modifying front windscreen area for standing r

    Storage under floor

  14. #59
    Ausfish Platinum Member 2DKnBJ's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Re: Modifying front windscreen area for standing r

    This fuel tank is under the floor where you would normally have your feet

  15. #60

    Re: Modifying front windscreen area for standing r

    Excllent ideas!

    MAny thanks

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