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Motor Idling high rpm
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Thread: Motor Idling high rpm

  1. #1

    Motor Idling high rpm

    I have a Mercury Saltwater 115 2 stroke. I slipped it out of gear the other day and it started to idle higher in the rev range, around 1300rpm and hasn't stopped. I was moving it in and out of gear a bit at the time getting someone to a jetty. Other than that its fine, starts ok, runs ok etc but obviously too high. I this an easy fix with the idle adjustment? Why did it happen in the first place? Newish engine, 70 hours.



  2. #2

    Re: Motor Idling high rpm

    Mate it shouldn't slip out of gear.

    Something has come out of adjustment in your throttle, and gear selection linkage, Maybe just caused by the cable stretching over time, or a kink, dirty many reasons, even just a lube can fix it.

    So for a quick check put in neutral and spin the prop if it clicks, that linkage will need to be adjusted So it doesn't wear the dog gear.

    Also the throttle linkage see if you can close the throttle more by just moving the linkage, if you can that be why the idle is up.

    It should be a easy job 2 mins.

    A marriage licence should be like your fishing licence!
    Expires every year and you get a 3 day pass when you go interstate.

  3. #3

    Re: Motor Idling high rpm

    Just to clarify, it did not slip. I moved the control lever from forward to neutral and it was revving higher. Thanks for your advice though.


  4. #4

    Re: Motor Idling high rpm

    Roughasguts, your showing good form

    Chris, could be any thing or numvber of things causing the increse in rpm. Things like

    Intake air leak
    Incorrect throttle link & Sync adjustment
    Carby problems

    Just to name a few

    Unless you are familiar with 2 strokes you maybe better off getting someone else to look at it.



    Retired Honda Master Tech

  5. #5
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    Re: Motor Idling high rpm

    B taking it doctor ( O/B mechanic ) he's the bloke that will show u
    why & wot caused problem...... & or if this could hav done further
    damage down the road ...... Sounds only minor but pro help does a lot 4 peace @ mine ....... Especially if ur fish'n haunts are serious kkkk's

    CHEER'S............... MACKA

  6. #6

    Re: Motor Idling high rpm

    Quote Originally Posted by Spaniard_King
    Roughasguts, your showing good form

    Chris, could be any thing or numvber of things causing the increse in rpm. Things like

    Intake air leak
    Incorrect throttle link & Sync adjustment
    Carby problems

    Just to name a few :-

    Unless you are familiar with 2 strokes you maybe better off getting someone else to look at it.


    Self proclaimed King of the spaniards.
    I am happy to be proven wrong, as long as sombody gets the answer to lighthouse's problems.

    But you just delivered a heap of open ended answers.

    Could you be more specific.
    You sound like a Doctor with the diagnosis
    "Yep sounds like it's got a Virus".
    In other words Dont Know!
    A marriage licence should be like your fishing licence!
    Expires every year and you get a 3 day pass when you go interstate.

  7. #7

    Re: Motor Idling high rpm

    Took it down the ramp, screwed the idle screw right in. At idle in neutral it is sitting under 1000 rpm.

    In gear it is sitting just under 800rpm. Factory recommendations are 650 to 700 rpm. Can't remember what its been sitting on before it started to idle high.

    As I said before, everything else else appears to be fine throughout the rev range.


  8. #8

    Re: Motor Idling high rpm

    How many idle screws did you find ?

    Or did you screw the one, idle adjustment on the linkage for all carbs
    EG linkage throttle stop.

    I hope it was this one. That was what I was sugesting in the first place.
    A marriage licence should be like your fishing licence!
    Expires every year and you get a 3 day pass when you go interstate.

  9. #9

    Re: Motor Idling high rpm

    I did the one which had the white sticker marked idle adjustment Did actually have it marked on there so I would imagine this would be the right one. I was on the long throttle linkage. I imagine I really need to adjust the throttle cable overall in the longer run.

  10. #10

    Re: Motor Idling high rpm

    Quote Originally Posted by Roughasguts
    [quote author=Spaniard_King link=1162097398/0#3 date=1162106917]Roughasguts, your showing good form

    Chris, could be any thing or numvber of things causing the increse in rpm. Things like

    Intake air leak
    Incorrect throttle link & Sync adjustment
    Carby problems

    Just to name a few :-

    Unless you are familiar with 2 strokes you maybe better off getting someone else to look at it.


    Self proclaimed King of the spaniards.
    I am happy to be proven wrong, as long as sombody gets the answer to lighthouse's problems.

    But you just delivered a heap of open ended answers.

    Could you be more specific.
    You sound like a Doctor with the diagnosis
    "Yep sounds like it's got a Virus".
    In other words Dont Know!


    I don't want to give the guy the "WRONG" answer espeacially if I havent seen the engine. Why lead the guy down the garden path
    You obviously are a master of outboard repair and maintenance who can diagnose faults through his computer With such a talent I recon you stand to be a rich person one day

    As far as recommendations go this is my last post in helping someone out. I will leave it all to you.. good luck


    Retired Honda Master Tech

  11. #11

    Re: Motor Idling high rpm

    Spaniard King,
    I'm sorry you can dish it out, but haven't got the sence of humour to receive it back.

    If your frightened to give the "wrong" answer to a thread then why reply at all. It just seems you prefer to mock someone that does.

    Why not probe the poster with more questions until your satisfied you can give an anwer that would be most likely.
    After all that is why they post in the first place isn't it.

    I'm sure this is not the last the board sees of you,
    I hope not for my part.

    A marriage licence should be like your fishing licence!
    Expires every year and you get a 3 day pass when you go interstate.

  12. #12

    Re: Motor Idling high rpm


    I suggest you read my post again


    Retired Honda Master Tech

  13. #13
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Motor Idling high rpm

    Hey all...

    C'mon fellas, remember the love.....

    Just for the record, Garrys first post was pretty much spot on.

    Some of the smallest problems can be bloody
    difficult to diagnose over the keyboard...

    To advise someone who has limited mechanical experience
    with the larger 2 strokes to start mucking around with the
    link/sync adjustments, etc, could be a bit like the
    Titanic sending out for more ice...

    If the problem is not obvious by Looking and tweaking,
    book it in..
    An early service would not do it any further harm.


  14. #14

    Re: Motor Idling high rpm

    To be fair, the reason I posted this is to see if there is a quick remedy so I don't have to take it in. Its not that I don't mind paying, more the inconvenience of taking it in.

    So...........A couple of quick tips to look at some simple things and see if this will remedy or confirm my thoughts is what I was looking for. If I can't get the answer I like or in part agree with I would take it in to get it fixed.

    In my book Roughas provided this in part, Spaniard you game me other suggestions but nothing to look for either, so to be honest that was of little help and not too constructive. Not criticism as I don't really care but feedback all the same.



  15. #15

    Re: Motor Idling high rpm


    After reading your problem, I made a diagnosis of the problem and posted it to you. having dealt with these types of problems many times before some of them very easy and some very painfull.
    I didnt want to lead you down the garden path. Yes you could play with the idle screw but this is very rarely the problem, instructing you on checking the synconization and linkage adjustment for your engine could take a fair while and even some experianced mechanics struggle with it with a book infront of them . Generally people who play with these end up in a mess and make it harder for the mechanic to find out the real problem.

    You see if you had an idea about what I had posted you probably would have come back to me asking for me to elaborate, don't you agree. I basically tossed a bait out to see what bite I would get.

    I just don't see the point in getting your hopes up or getting you to do things that may worsten the problem. As Harry says "get her in for an early service" I hope it all goes well for you


    Retired Honda Master Tech

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