Sitting and relaxing, why else go out in the boat except for relaxation.....
Oh and maybe catch something worth keeping.......this happens so rarely I figure relaxation is the primary reason for me owning a boat.....
Sitting and relaxing, why else go out in the boat except for relaxation.....
Oh and maybe catch something worth keeping.......this happens so rarely I figure relaxation is the primary reason for me owning a boat.....
May the winds blow lightly upon your sails
May the seas buffet gently upon your hull
May your chiller be full of piscatorial delights
Hi again.
Wow! I'm just looking at the dates above. Has it really been that long?
For those who might be interested.
After so long I'm finally able to reveal that the OCEANFIRE helm seat is NOW AVAILABLE!!
The good people at SPRINGFIELD MARINE have taken on the licence & are now manufacturing & distributing the OCEANFIRE globally.
The good news is that the seat is even better than before;
There are two Highback designs as well as the original lowback design.
The construction & quality is stronger than ever & the pricing is even better.
Thanks to all of you who have shown interest previously.
If you would like a reminder on any aspect of the seats, post here & I'll put up some pictures or such.
If you are after pricing details & such feel free to contact Springfield Marine.
Many thanks again.
i got the softride gas pedestals in my 17 foot haines, i always sit, height adjustable to see over screen too, bloody awesome! also slide back for standing if needed
If I had a bloody seat I would sit down![]()
Alas the old Ally Craft is bare of a seat so day
stand when on the move (better control and vision) only sit when things r slow and boring (which is most of the time lately) >![]()
With the number of 'floaties' that I've seen since we've been boating over the last few months, I always stand just to be able to see whats coming up. Remember the car axles/tyres floating in the Logan River a few weeks ago >. Dugongs, trees, crab pots, turtles ect ect.
Yer but I do sit sometimes as long as the boys' on lookout.
Safe Boating
I've often wondered about this. It seems everyone I know only ever stands, unless really slow cruising whilst sounding around, or trolling. Seats mostly get a workout once we're at anchor and waiting for a bite.
I considered removing the seats altogether, opening up the room, and placing fold-down, or "slide-up~clickout" type chairs along the sides for exercising my behind on whilst baitfishing at anchor.
An icebox with a padded top forms another multi-purpose seat, though a little bulky...
I've hears of these RIB type "stand-up" seats also
The prototype straddle seats fitted to the Mini offshore were successfully tested in rough conditions recently, the seats are a variation, of the sort of seats that are fitted to RIBs (Rigid inflatable boats) or Jet Skis, which you ride much like a horse with the legs used for bracing and absorbing the pounding. (Some of the more serious RIBs have foot straps on the floor)
The seats will suit those who prefer to stand when driving, by giving them some thing to brace the inside of the thighs against, leaving the hands free to steer.
The seats are mounted on a shock absorbing pedestals which are fully adjustable for height.
Damon - you have picis/links to this idea of seating?Originally Posted by damons33
well I have a seat and its used for sitting and i sit
about the only time I stand is at night then the visiblity is better due to glare on the screen from GPS and Sounder
G’day all,
Just posting an update of the Oceanfire seats.
I’m finally at the stage where I’m now starting to distribute the Oceanfire seats and am spreading the word to people who have shown interest in the past.
I've posted the same message here too;
but wasn't sure which thread would be better, maybe the admins can merge?
Unfortunately I was unable to do anything before because of the high manufacturing costs in Australia, I just couldn’t make them affordable for people.
My original plan was to be the manufacturer & distributor for the seats, but when the costs of manufacture in Australia made that unrealistic I decided to licence the manufacture & distribution to Springfield Marine.
Having done that, they have tooled up for the seat & even made improvements & so I am now able to distribute the seats at a very competitive price.
As you would know, Springfield Marine have established distributors here, but uptake for new products by them has been slow, so I have arranged with Springfield to have me as a distributor for the Oceanfire.
What I am doing is looking to fill an order for 50 seats to get production going in earnest, hence the reason for this post.
I am offering the first lot of seats at a reduced price to get things moving.
I have two demo models being sent by container from Springfield, they will be here in a couple of weeks, at that time I’ll be able to provide pictures of the low-back model & the new high-back model. I’ll also be setting up a basic website to show the info from.
I'll answer any questions you may have, also if you're interested in helping me get things moving, please PM me & I'll give you my contact details & the pricing for the first lot of seats that will enable me to get things going.
I'm not sure what the admins would think of me doing the full pricing thing here, so if you are interested, contact me for further details.
good day all,
Sit in my 4.1 tinnie (tiller) but suffer from the good old boat back in the chop.
Must be getting bloody old had better upgrade the boat when i win tatts.
Cheers all
sit down in calm water and only stand up if I think I need a better view. But stand up in the sloppy shit for sure.
Im sitting down alot more now that im back in a catDont need to use my knees as shockies anymore
I started looking at this thread without noticing the dates of the posts, All those old members, got a tad nostalgic!!
Alcohol doesn't agree with me, but i sure do enjoy the argument!!!
This is the best boat seat ever!
Sitting, standing, adjustable to your posture.
Last edited by Kirkan; 01-10-2007 at 11:08 AM.