Here's a trap I am sorting out.....
Two months ago I took delivery of a new 4.5mtr single axle trailer. I asked for standard holden rims and bearing hub/axle assembly. It has been dunked twice, and the only thing I wanted to do was replace the dust covers with bearing buddies. Not a problem I thought..... I got a chance to work on it today. Bearing buddies don't fit, the hub is too big. And buggar!!! Is that water I see inside the cap?? As usual a simple job has turned into a major drama. Too easy, i'll go down and get new bearings, because these ones are already salt water affected (in only two trips), including the cones. Strike 2, the bearings are not standard holden or ford, they are what's known as "parallel" set. Where normal ford or holden bearings are bigger inners, smaller outer bearings, these are both exactly the same, inner and outer. No problemo, just get replacements...... I went to the 3 major retail shops for auto accessories, and none of them have them in stock, quoting as high as $28.00 per bearing. And Timken bearings are more again!!! Back to the original problem, no bearing buddy will fit this hub.
By now I am feeling rather disillusioned ( I am remaining calm, so that's the best word I can find without using expletives) at having parted with $$$$$$ for a new trailer, and one of the guys I tried to get help from had this bit of advice. " There's an influx of nasty axle and bearing combinations that are only good for throwing in the bin, and putting the right combination of axles and hubs on there." Holy #$#%%$!! You're kidding me right?? He was serious.
So I went back to the boat yard I bought it through. Originally when I was on the phone to them, it was suggested I ring the manufacturer of the trailer direct on Monday. Huh??? I insisted I come down and show them the Hub and bearings, he sounded as if I didn't know what I was talking about, and disinterested in helping me out. When I got there, out came all the spare bearing kits they had on sale... Nup, you are right mate, they are not standard bearings.... So I have left my phone number with them, and they said they are going to call the trailer manufacturer on Monday and sort something out.
Best case cenario they will replace the axle and hubs to standard Ford, as this is what the wheels are, but I think I am being very optimistic here. Worste case - they will find a bearing buddy to suit ( which I doubt)
When you look at the design of the axle, the rubber seal at the back, I am not convinced that the design is going to keep my bearings dry. The design is radically different to standard Ford or Holden, which have tapered axles. This axle is straight where the thread for the retainer nut is. I have been quoted $250.00 to change the axle and hubs over. Wait and see > > > Happy Christmas to me!!! Just what I wanted!! In the meantime I have re packed the bearings and cones, but because the salt water has already started damaging them, I will basically be grounded until this is sorted out. I can limp around, but don't want to risk it, because I don't have any spares, and like I said earlier, nobody has these bearings in stock. I asked for standard Ford or Holden!!!
A rather cheesed off , not happy Scalem