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Thread: Anti-splash guard

  1. #1

    Anti-splash guard

    Someone on here, some time ago in 2006 bought or made a device that bolts over the petit tube and sounder transducer to stop the water splashing up into the trim switch of late model Mercs and Mariners (Starboard side). This was mainly on the new type Quintrex's and Stacers...
    As I am too lazy too search for it.. Could someone guide me to the thread ? please...

  2. #2

    Re: Anti-splash guard

    If your talking about what I think you are try northside marine. They have alloy spray guards for ducers.


  3. #3

    Wink Anti-splash

    Thanx Stevos.... Good to see there are SOME polite members still around...
    I told you Grumpy Griz.. I am too lazy...
    Last edited by KGW3; 17-01-2007 at 07:37 PM. Reason: verri badd spellinn

  4. #4
    Done got one from the afore mentioned place and fitted it... Lets see next time.
    thanx guys

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