This is back in early August . No hook ups but nearly as good !, we seen quite a few swimming around close to the surface that day.
This is back in early August . No hook ups but nearly as good !, we seen quite a few swimming around close to the surface that day.
Hi wamjam ,
where was that pic taken?? is that Glenlyon, looks a bit murky for the rivers
gday yella
the water is pretty clear ,that fish is about three foot under the surface.
Thats terrific, thank you Les.
I am planning on doing a 2 week long trip to visit some friends in Goondiwindi & North Star and I will absolutely be packing some fresh water gear with a view to landing one of these awesome looking creatures.
I hope that spinnerbaits & some deep diving lures should be sufficient ? Ive already been informed that dark colours such as purple, black, red & etc are the best to use for these mighty fish.
gday wamjam thats a nice shot i have seen a few like that myself but not even interested in the lure i think
other things are on there minds.. cheers bdowdy
Gday bdowdy
Bloody thing sat there and watched the lure swim past 6 or 7 times ,then swam off as if to say why are you throwing that at me ?
yep i know what your saying as i tryed every lure i had but they just wont even look at it i suppose if there was elle macpherson sitting there waiting for you in a cods eyes why would you look at a bit of food.
i know food wouldnt be on my mind
.. have you been getting any nice fish, i had a ball in fiji now im back in the real world i need to go back on holidaysto go fishing again. cheers bdowdy
Gday mate
Did you get any fish in Fiji ??? . Ive been a bit slack with the fishing but Im going to the Severn tomorrow for two nights , I think it will be more of a social event (p#ss up) so probably not much fishing.
yeh mate heaps of fish gt ,mackeral,tuna,coal trout, and reef fish that well dont know what they were but all good fun.hope to get to glenlyon to test some lures for jamie may get over your way early next year also, any how hope you catch some fish between beers talk soon .cheers bdowdy
Originally Posted by wamjam
Thats an awesome picture, that big fella isnt to bothered by your presence or just too lazy to nick off.
Or its been hand fed and is waiting for some tucker.![]()
Hand fed
That its food floating with the trebbles . Bdowdy I only fished for about an hour ,mate was having a ball with the small fish so i just drove the boat think he got 3 and mist 3 on Jamies lures . Must be letting a sh#tload of water out of pindari its about a meter higher than normal.
hi wamjam i went the other day for awalk just before we got hit with whopper storm, myself and mate got 16 for the arvo, had afew follows and got snapped off once, might be a good year ( all fish released ). did you cop the storm over there. cheers bdowdy
Good storm on monday night but bugger all rain .Im going this arvo for a walk ,see how we go looks a bit stormy at the moment.
Only 4 ,its getting hard to find a spot without weed to put your lure.