Working in environmental science (freshwater ecology) I'm fortunate to sometimes be able to combine work with pleasure - I've been engaged to do some baseline survey work on the Mary River in South East Qld as part of the proposed Traveston Crossing Dam assessment studies and was given the (most pleasurable) task of surveying for the presence of Mary River Cod populations within the upper River system using (under DPI permit) angling techniques (other forms of survey i.e. electrofishing are also being used) - while doing other work tasks I might add i.e. habitat mapping (it wasn't all beer and skittles!!) - we canoed about 8-10 km of River per day and encountered a range of fish species on lures including fork tailed catties, saratoga, bass and the beautiful Mary River Cod including several above 70cm and one almost a metre long (~95cm) see pic below - also saw shit loads of lung fish, Mary River Turtles and mega tonnes of mullet. While I can't prempt report findings I can say as a ecologist and conservation biologist that it certainly isn't the sort of place that you'd be happy to see drowned under a dam!!
Regards - Jim