Bloke from my work had these photos of the recent comp.
Bloke from my work had these photos of the recent comp.
Why do we have to kill these fish, get a camera and a bigger Brag mat if needed and let them have there freedom.
You have seeked, you have stalked,you have caught,you have Won the battle!!!! is that not what it is about.
I have never caught a Barra and I am sure it is a hell of a feeling, But I do know I could never keep one of that size
I agree plus there is no doubt they would be very poor eating anyway.
CamH & Westie
They sometimes call barra a "bucket mouth" - given your comments that could equally apply to you - your preparedness to shoot from the hip with such ignorance astounds me - would some who attended the Awoonga Comp please explain to these "fish-huggers" the comp rules & more importantly how these fish came to be & why this is such a fantastic impondment - crickey fellas we've got enough hassles from the lunatic fringe without our own taking illinformed sideswipes at fellow rec fishos - think before you press those keyboards - Rip
Haines Hunter 650 'Horizon' 200 4st Johnson (aka Suk DF200) call sign "Dozer" or "Uripper"
Originally Posted by uripper
i am sorry but YOU are the one calling us BUCKET MOUTHS ... YOU EXPLAIN why let someone else do it for you.
I would've thought it would be in the best interests of the comp to release them anyway. Guarantee those fish won't be caught next year.
cheers pete
Awoonga is a put and take fishery.. and the comp rules stated that you had too bring your catch back so they could weigh it ...see how long it is.. and lastly and the most important thing take a photo of you and your catch... Then after the comp you could have your fish back or like most of the others put in the bin....The event is based on the Tinaroo Bash in NQ. And if we continue to hold events like these we shall have a great fishery just like Tinaroo...Ask anyone that just did the barra tour up there how good the fishing was....
Kids need models, more than they need critics."
"In youth we learn; in age we understand."
"I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand
totaly agree westie. some big barra there and congrats to the blokes who caught them, but it is sad that none were released to fight another day!Originally Posted by Westie CALOUNDRA
ps, sorry uripper i must be a BUCKET MOUTH 2!
Originally Posted by Westie CALOUNDRA
i am sorry but YOU are the one calling us BUCKET MOUTHS ... YOU EXPLAIN why let someone else do it for you.[/quote]
Westie - fair enough - I've overreacted and apologies are offered - I get so angry when people make assumptions that could not be further from the truth - particularly when it involves a recreational fishing - let me buy you a beer at the BrisVegas M&G next Friday night.
The Awoonga Dam fishery was established largely through the efforts of volunteer recreational fishos with the financial assistance of various government agencies. It is a fantastic success story in terms of impoundment stocking and fishing. It is so successful that like Lake Tinnaroo near Cairns, the small fingerlings have grown into 30lb+ monsters that are completely dominating the habitat. That is why the fishery managers encourage the taking of the really big fish. Another reason is that the big fish are less tolerant to catch and release unless the fisho really knows what they're doing.
I haven't been to a comp at Awoonga Dam so don't know exactly what the current rules are - hence my reticence.
If anyone would like confirmation of just how healthy this fishery is then please ring the Fishery Manager, Ken ____ on 4972 9548.
So the bottom line is that the photos do not represent some reckless pillage and plunder. To the contrary they exemplify the positive side of recreational fishing.
As to the eating quality - personally I'm not into the taste of freshwater fish - but having sampled a few big freshwater barra - they're not half bad.
Haines Hunter 650 'Horizon' 200 4st Johnson (aka Suk DF200) call sign "Dozer" or "Uripper"
unripper No need to buy that beer as you have eaten humble pie and that is fine by me and I say cam would be the same.
It worries me regarding the fact stated that Awoonga stated "Then after the comp you could have your fish back or like most of the others put in the bin...." I am sure the orginzers good at least donate them to a Refuge Etc it would not be that hard to do and then the killing of fish of this size may be a little easyer to handle. Having a person on staff to Fillet and prepare for these fish for the people recieving meals on wheels a couple of phone calls and someone will benifit.
I am in NO way a Fish Cuddler far from it, I love my fish and like a lot of other, take only what my family can use. Returning the rest.
would not a Electo fish be able to get the larger fish and move them around to introduce new blood to other Impoundments.
All just Ideas and not having a go at anyone, but if we look we may just fine OPTIONS are better then waste.
If we have to Cull, then we will remember it was for a GOOD cause and someone will benifit on the way.
This is starting to have the makings of one of those posts that turn into 10 pages of arguments like the old "should you keep marlin" favourite. Lets just say they are great fish and each to their own opinion on the rightness or wrongness of the rules.
Another Bucketmouth here(although like westie I aint a fish hugger - Love a chew on a decent fish)
Just because it's the rules of the comp doesn't mean it's necessarily a good idea.
I agree that it should be fine for anyone who wants to keep a stocked fish (if they can handle eating the greasy fillets), although I can't see much merit in actively encouraging it with a comp. If it were a catch and release comp I think it might actually be even more successfull
Re the releasing of larger Barra I think they have a pretty good chance of surviving if treated with a little care when handling them, this could be dealt with at the start of the comp with a tutorial and maybe provide some of the dpi's material on handling large fish to competitors when they register. I believe this has proven effective with data the dpi have collated from tagged fish that have been released.
These are stocked impoundments and these fish do not breed so why not keep the larger fish it will give more room for more stocking. If these were wild female barra i would say no.
Just like your big flathead.