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Thread: 2 days on the Tully

  1. #1

    2 days on the Tully

    Let me start by saying, happy new year to all the
    ausfishers out there.
    I was lucky enough too spend 2 days over new years
    canoeing down the tully river chasing sooties and junglies.
    We droped the canoes in at a place the locals call the
    ski hole and lured down stream from there.
    Although the fish were very lure shy to start off, they soon
    warmed up when we reached areas that were more inaccessible
    to the single day fisherman. The most productive areas where
    aroud the fig trees that were dropping fruit.
    All up we caught 92 sooty grunter, 15 J.P's, 8 tarpon and
    8 barra.(all were released unharmed)
    It was a great trip and we are already planning the next one!!!

    Wild Side (Jason)

  2. #2

    Re: 2 days on the Tully

    Sounds like a great trip mate. Congratulations

    I reckon I might give it a go myself if I'm ever up that way.


  3. #3

    Re: 2 days on the Tully

    That sounds like an awesome trip, we used to do trips like that heaps in South Africa chasing smallmouth bass in small inflatables.

  4. #4

    Re: 2 days on the Tully

    how was it camping on the river?

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