Went to my usual spot this morning with a friend for what was intended to be a quick morning session. We didn't get home until 6 oclock. Hands down the best fishing i've ever done from a canoe. We were fishing in brackish water but since we where catching tilapia and this follows on from my previous post i've but this in the freshwater section.
Since my last report i've fished the creek another 3 or 4 times with increasingly poorer results so for a change this morning i decided to cover some new ground. We started off using small shallow diving hard bodies. This is now one of my favourite forms of luring as it seems more productive than poppers yet still has the same visual aspect, we landed about 10 bream and a few flathead until i lost my hard body in a tree. oh well swapped over to plastics, first cast bang 30cm bream, next cast bang 25 next cast 28. Matt decided to swap over to softies aswell and we got stuck into the bream. we were just about to head back when we noticed a nice little inlet with a drain. We noticed what appeared to be a huge school of bull mullet facing into the flow but decided to put a cast in anyway (i've found bream will hang around schools of large mullet). i bumped the softy over their backs felt a strange bump, i struck and my rod loaded up. By now we had drifted onto the school and we realised that it was actually a school several thousand strong of tilapia. we pulled over to the side and stuck into them landing over 50 fish up to 45cm in an hour or two (lost track of time to busy fishing. We decided to keep 4 of the larger ones and left the rest on the bank with a head ache curtousy of a canoe paddle. The tilapia tasted quite muddy even though they had been in salt water so in the future i will be leaving them on the bank.
Anyway a top day with over 90 fish landed between us.