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Thread: Nth Pine Dam

  1. #1

    Nth Pine Dam

    Ventured out to the Nth Pine Dam on Sat arvo in hope of getting some Gar and Redclaw.
    Didn't manage to berly any Gar up so we sat back and enjoyed the peace and quiet.
    Only had 1 Redclaw by 8.30 so pulled the pin and let our 1 and only go for another day.
    This was our first attempt at these little critters and wont be our last.Great spot to spend a quiet arvo relaxing.

    Cheers Dazza

  2. #2

    Re: Nth Pine Dam

    Gidday Dazza,

    If it's not too much to ask, can you let on where you were and if there are any gates closed at sunset?

    I tried some time back at Bullocky's Rest (I think that's the name). I got about 8 redclaw, some pretty good size, but the gates were going to be locked, so I ended parking out on the road and climbing a fence to get to the dam.


  3. #3

    Re: Nth Pine Dam

    North Pine Dam is a pretty spot.

    To catch a fish is just a bonus.


  4. #4

    Re: Nth Pine Dam

    I was at the picnic area inbetween Bullocky's and Forgan Cove.
    The gates are locked at sunset but you can park outside and it only adds about 5 meters to the walking..
    Cheers Dazza

  5. #5

    Re: Nth Pine Dam

    North Pine is a great place, i dont know about the fishing cause ever fishing there. the main target is the redclaw, and there were heaps laying arounds, the most redclaw we caught were like say 8-15 in one pot, and we have serveral pots around...overall nice place

  6. #6

    Re: Nth Pine Dam

    looks like a nice arvo,we went there a couple of months ago and caught 8 redclaw.


  7. #7

    Re: Nth Pine Dam

    I went out this morning about 7am just to look for a few gar. They were a bit hard to find and never really came on the bite. I only managed about 20. Had a few baits out as well and managed three Tandans of respectable size.
    Cheers Freeeedom

  8. #8

    Re: Nth Pine Dam

    freeeedom, have you tried using garfish for live bait?
    cause i heard about it in the fishin magizine.


  9. #9

    Re: Nth Pine Dam

    Never tried it - I find they are a very fragile fish that are difficult to keep alive for any length of time. If I had a good live bait tank in the boat (which I don't) I might give it a go. There are heaps of river gar, a few sea gar and the very odd snub nosed gar to be caught around the bay foreshores in winter. I usually go to the Shorncliffe pier when I want to stock up on the saltwater specimens.
    Cheers Freeeedom

  10. #10

    Re: Nth Pine Dam

    Headed out there myself this afternoon hoping to catch a bass or 2. The water levels are very low at the moment. Didn't get any but got a few gar for bait to use out in the bay. Even they were not co operating.


  11. #11

    Re: Nth Pine Dam

    do you need a permit for Northpine?


  12. #12

    Re: Nth Pine Dam

    No permit needed for North Pine. Also no swimming, access only at designated picnic areas and no watercraft (except for a restricted number of permit holders using electric motors or paddles - or have they been stopped while the levels are low?)
    Cheers Freeeedom

  13. #13

    Re: Nth Pine Dam

    My last trip for gars went well considering I was helping other people fish, I did how ever put one live out under a float. It did get smashed but I unhooking someones fish a fair way away when it happened and by the time I got to the rod it was all too late. Next trip, hey!

  14. #14

    Re: Nth Pine Dam

    Quote Originally Posted by Freeeedom
    No permit needed for North Pine. Also no swimming, access only at designated picnic areas and no watercraft (except for a restricted number of permit holders using electric motors or paddles - or have they been stopped while the levels are low?)
    Cheers Freeeedom
    you can also get access around near the cemetery on the samsonvale side and another park further north also

    we have had a lot of success with redclaw here in the past, but be prepared to lose a few pots to damn theifs

  15. #15

    Re: Nth Pine Dam

    Az posted

    "you can also get access around near the cemetery on the samsonvale side and another park further north also

    we have had a lot of success with redclaw here in the past, but be prepared to lose a few pots to damn theifs"

    Yes, I've been to the cemetery a couple of times to try for redclaw in the summer. Never got as many as I was getting at Forgan Cove. The water level is so low at the moment that if you go to the other park (on the Samford - Dayboro Rd) you can't even see the water, just field of grass!
    Cheers Freeeedom

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