Big 'Yabbies' are eatin rockmellon at Fairburn Dam. Put your pots on a slope between 3-12 feet anywhere near weed!!
Big 'Yabbies' are eatin rockmellon at Fairburn Dam. Put your pots on a slope between 3-12 feet anywhere near weed!!
"This space is saved for my next special catch"
"Rainy" Haines Hunter 540C Yamaha 130 HPDI
28lb King Salmon
18lb Steelhead (Rainbow) Trout
12lb Brown Trout
6.5lb Brook Trout
12lb Murry Cod
6'+ Bronze Whaler Shark
Haven't been to Fairbairn for a while, there were plenty of red claw back in those days.
Are they still in plague numbers???
Theirs still heaps around and easier to catch than the fish in the dam!!
2 points to consider though; The dam is getting really shallow in places, I ran aground on a little 'bommie' way out in the middle----motoring along fine then the sounder showed the bottom comming up fast , real damage except a bit of paint loss to the blades.
The other concern is theirs a poliferation of 'pot' raiders so you have to get out on the water early to check your pots or theiy will be empty for sure.................geez theirs some mongrels around!
"This space is saved for my next special catch"
"Rainy" Haines Hunter 540C Yamaha 130 HPDI
28lb King Salmon
18lb Steelhead (Rainbow) Trout
12lb Brown Trout
6.5lb Brook Trout
12lb Murry Cod
6'+ Bronze Whaler Shark
hi i was thiking of going to fairburn what is the fising like and what do catch and can you troll
regards graham