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Thread: FNQ Freshwater Fishing

  1. #1

    FNQ Freshwater Fishing

    Hi, could anyone let me in on some great
    fishing spots around Cairns in FNQ if they could
    leave a post on this thread that would be
    great. thankyou


  2. #2

    Re: FNQ Freshwater Fishing

    Plenty of them mate.

    Rivers = Mulgrave, Russell, Johnstone
    Dams = Tinaroo, Copperlode, Koombooloomba, Quade

    Just let us know if you need any more info mate... id be more then happy to help.


  3. #3

    Re: FNQ Freshwater Fishing

    I had a lot of fun at the Tully river over Christmas, chasing Sooty Grunters, just went and fished all the access points that the rafters use.


  4. #4

    Re: FNQ Freshwater Fishing

    Dam, forgot about Tully! Wheres my head today

    Tully, Mossman, Daintree! It depends how far you are prepared to travel mate.

    You got a boat for the impoundments up here mate?


  5. #5

    Re: FNQ Freshwater Fishing

    Thanks for that TinarooTriumph.

    i am new to the hole freshwater fishing thing could you fill me in
    on any good lures to use. And the signs to look for where the fish
    are thankyou for your help TinarooTriumph look forward to receiving
    some more info from you cheers Dylan


  6. #6

    Re: FNQ Freshwater Fishing

    G'day Dyl,

    Well what fish are you thinking about targetting mate? Sooties? Perch? Barra? N-Toga'? Jacks? Plenty of good lures out there to use - just need to know what you'll be chasing.


  7. #7

    Re: FNQ Freshwater Fishing

    Thanks TinarooTriumph,

    i am targeting Bara and perch
    Cheers Dylan


  8. #8

    Re: FNQ Freshwater Fishing

    G'day again mate,

    For those impoundment Barra, your gonna need some tough rods and reels, and for those big barra, some entising lures. Grab some Predatek Vipers/Sandvipers, Rod Gaden Classics, Gold Bombers, and some Killalure Terminators in a range of diff colours. I find some brightish colours work well, and as we all should know, Gold is a barra colour, so get those Vipers and Bombers in goldish shades. Also Soft Plastics, some large Squidgie Slick Rigs in 'Drop Bear' colouration will do the trick, get them in 130mm for best results.

    Perch... mhmm. Some Kokoda lures. Kokoda Lipples G-Vibes, Fat R's, and the new Kokoda Spinnerbaits. They are in-expensive lures that WILL catch. Go to Big-W to get them cheap - ET teamed up with Kokoda to put there lures on the scene, and they have ET Series lures on Big-W shelves, so you can pick up Kokoda lures for half price! Also the Surecatch Surebite Series lures will get ya some nice perch - Some poppers, some 80mm Minnows, they've got a good range. The Surebite series you can find dirt cheap now'a days as they are 'redundant', but get them anyway! They are good - aslong as you replace the rings on them!

    I reckon that should do ya mate. Have a ball


  9. #9

    Re: FNQ Freshwater Fishing

    Thanks for the info on that Theo
    I went fishing today on the inlet and was bringing in the new gold bomber that
    i bought from Cairns Tackle and Bait during there sale
    the lure was a about 1metere away from me when a huge bara (Est 80cm)
    swam past missing the lure by a couple of centimeters
    So thanks for the info

    Cheers Dylan


  10. #10

    Re: FNQ Freshwater Fishing

    No prob Dyl.

    Brought a few gold bombers from the same sale on Saturday morning.

    Unlucky about the Barra mate. But hey, thats fishing!


  11. #11

    Re: FNQ Freshwater Fishing

    Thats Right Theo,

    The sale was alright i also bought a new shimano reel for 60$ reduced from 120$
    it was good o well. nice chatting to you theo

    Ps: i might go down to the Mulgrave River on the weekend and hire a boat.
    Could you tell me if there is some good spots round there and any that
    can be resched on land

    Cheers Dylan


  12. #12

    Re: FNQ Freshwater Fishing

    G'day again mate...

    Mulgrave.. i havnt done a lot of fishing there mate, but... if your interested i can send you a link (i dont think i can post it, cos it wont work), but i can pm you a link to a website ran by a local who has ventured those area's quite abit and would be alot more knowledge-able then me when it comes to the coastal streams. He is a weekend user of AusFish (Gold Member), by the name of Bad_Bubby (Dan). He has posted a lot of pics and info up on all local coastal hotspots where he has fished.

    If your after info before the weekend (as i think thats the only time he has access to a computer) then i can offer a little help.

    What will you be chasing mate?.


  13. #13

    Re: FNQ Freshwater Fishing

    bad bubby has a link you can go on his web site,if that helps,cheers.

  14. #14

    Re: FNQ Freshwater Fishing

    Yep, Dyl check ya Inbox here on Ausfish mate, i sent you the link on Monday...


  15. #15

    Re: FNQ Freshwater Fishing

    Thanks for the link theo


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