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Thread: Glenlyon dam report

  1. #16

    Re: Glenlyon dam report

    gday mccod i have tried afew times at glen lyon with surface and nothing yet i may have to keep on trying, was there any size to the cod you got,the last few trips have only produced a few smaller cod for me in the 8lb range. but as you know theres some monsters out there. cheers bdowdy.

  2. #17

    Re: Glenlyon dam report

    Just back from Glenlyon.
    Out there for 3 nights, we (3 adults 2 kids) got 38 Yella's -37 to 54cm, 1 Cod - 58cm (to my youngest son, his first), I eel Tailed Cattie - 55cm.

    Father tried to talk me into stretching the cod to legal size (60cm), but I said nup, back she goes. Just as well - fisheries showed up about an hour later!

    Father had been there for a few days and caught nothing, when IDA caught up with him the morning before I got there, and put him in the loop, looking for trees along the edge of the weed. IDA also took out the fishing comp that was on! So he definately was the right bloke to get the info from!

    Also caught up with Rosco and One Rabbit, a top group of blokes!

    I had a ball, will definately think about going back next year!

    If anyone is going out there in the next week or two,
    S28 56.522 E151 27.527
    S28 56.530 E151 27.568
    (wgs84) should see you right!. Thats the boundaries of the trees along the weed where everyone was catching fish.

    Pics are in fathers camera, will post a few when I get hold of them.

  3. #18

    Re: Glenlyon dam report

    My son Alex with his first cod!

  4. #19

    Re: Glenlyon dam report

    My other son Calum with a good Yella

  5. #20

    Re: Glenlyon dam report

    Ray with a couple of over 50cm Yella's

  6. #21

    Re: Glenlyon dam report

    Guess who this likely looking pair are doing strange things to this cod

  7. #22

    Re: Glenlyon dam report

    Love the cod pic mate good job, great advice on handling them too,
    cheers i8krusty

  8. #23

    Re: Glenlyon dam report

    Goodonya Feral,

    Ida certainly had a feel for the cod this year, a pity that they were all around 55cm, but great to see so many young fish.
    I hope we can find them again next year when they are about 6lb bigger.


  9. #24

    Re: Glenlyon dam report

    Hi all,

    finally finishied playing with photos, so I thought I'd put up a couple more pics from our longweekend at Glenlyon.

    Charlie (neon 1991) with a nice silver which was released.


  10. #25

    Re: Glenlyon dam report

    Max (hot spottie) with a cattie

  11. #26

    Re: Glenlyon dam report

    Ida with one of his cod that was just cm's to small to keep, better luck next year bloke.

  12. #27

    Re: Glenlyon dam report

    Charlie's best yellow for the trip

  13. #28

    Re: Glenlyon dam report

    Oh yeah, I got a couple too

  14. #29

    Re: Glenlyon dam report

    Good fish Onerabbit, I did not see most of those while out there!

  15. #30

    Re: Glenlyon dam report

    This was our combined bag for the Saturday morning you were behind us, although Ida caught more of them but me.

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