I had to go to a tourism seminar in fernvale today, finished at 4pm, yak was on the car, what else would I do but drive to the nearest water?
I launched at twin bridges just outside of town and dropped a few things in the cockpit, no rod holders and no rear well makes life a bit interesting. I started by flicking a few gulps around, thought I felt a few touches, but the snags were very thick, a LOT of timber in this part of the river.
I decided to switch to surface lures and tied on a Tailor Made surface walker which attracted no interest.
Changed to the new Rapala skitter pop and had a few rises early on, but no contact. By this time the daylight was starting to fade and I started thinking about heading off when I spied a back water with some good overhang and snags, I paddled towards it and cast deep into the back water. Almost immediately there was a splash near the lure, and another, and then nothing. Cast again, a bit deeper this time, twitch twitch and I was on, but knew it wasn't anything big. In came a healthy little bass. It was nothing exciting, but I was stoked, my first fish from the kayak, first bass on a surface lure and first bass outside of an impoundment.