The last three days l have given Awoonga a miss... Too many boats...and fishing has been tough... so off to Monduran l went....This year there are going to run three Bass comps there so l thought that l might do some homework and just the odd Barra session as well..Fishing was hard... water temp has dropped but...... Kim Bain is just as beautiful as ever......Now where was l.....Yea...tough...l Targeted bass with spinnerbaits, Jackells, Sliders...even trolled...
...nothing....Weed beds,,,Rocky edges... points... not a touch....At the park l talked to a couple of guys that had caught a couple of stonkers.....50+...2 Kg...They where big fish like you see in Big W or Somerset...Caught on the troll using barra lures....They showed me the area that they caught them...The old river bed way up the dam near H...Lots of timber..But still no luck...So what about Barra ?. yep three a`day..not big..750..biggest but hard work.... lots of casting.... Got spanked a couple of times too..But at Monduran you expect that...