Top report whytey. Some great looking bass there mate. Sounds like the rain didn't hamper things too much and you's managed some time on the water. Pics look great.
Pencils finally give ya that surface hookup. Nice stuff.
Top report whytey. Some great looking bass there mate. Sounds like the rain didn't hamper things too much and you's managed some time on the water. Pics look great.
Pencils finally give ya that surface hookup. Nice stuff.
Whytey and EVERYONE Else
The DAM is CLOSED ,as in there is not meant to be ANYONE on it before 0600 and after 1600 pm.
I am a local and know of at least 5 different ways to get onto the dam but most of us have chosen to do the right thing and obey the regulations that WBW have put in place.
AGAIN its irresponsible behaviour like this that will get us all locked out .
When authorities put regulations in place they are there for EVERYONE , and not just those of us who 'choose' to abide by them.
As my previous post said; I am sure that if we all just put up with a bit of 'inconvenience' for now we might ALL get back what we so dearly miss now.
And believe me , you think driving 3 hours and not being able to fish sucks, have a thought for all of the locals who have given a lot of their time and effort to stock the dam and make it the fishery that it is.WE CANT FISH IT EITHER!
I love my fishing as much as anyone, but I WILL NOT jeopordise the fishing future for LOTS of people just to get a quick fix now.
Anyone else planning to go in the back way be warned- WBW are aware of EVERY entry point, stop and think what you could be wrecking for EVERYONE.
Sounds like a great trip mate, solid bass and a bonus barra, doesn't get much better than that. I'm yet to get to Lenthalls but even keener to check it out now, everyone I've spoken to says its a beautiful dam
Oscar64. Mate point taken. I dont want to ruin this dam for anyone, its a beautiful spot and ill be spending alot more time there.
We were told that the gates were placed there to stop alot of the constuction materials and plants that were going missing all the time. Thats why i belive that the gates will be gone when the revamp is finished. I was told that it had nothing to do with people fishing on the dam at night.
Cheers Whytey
If you wish to learn more about reading and getting the most from your Lowrance units or learning more about fishing with artificial baits I will come out in the comfort of your own boat for one on one coaching. Please call for more information.
Originally Posted by Why-ting
G-day mate. I wish I could help everyone out but we were told in good faith by a couple of old locals where to launch after a conversation with them on the first day we were there. I dont think that it is my place to tell everyone. Sorry Guys I dont want to sound like i own the dam or anything like that because i dont think that. Just keeping my word not to tell the world and to stuff it for the guys that were kind enough to help us out. My advice to everyone would be to take the time and talk to some of the local guys. They are really good in passing on information about what they are catching the fish on and what techniques to use.
This was my first time to Lenthals and i intend on spending alot more time there. So im sorry i cant say anything guys because I dont want to be an outcast when i return. I hope you guys can understand this.
Cheers Whytey[/quote]
went to lenthalls today to pick up catch record sheets and found out from the guard that ALL boats with a motor larger than 6 hp WILL be turned away.(it dont matter if you have an elect or not) orders from the CEO WBW.
any boats that launch through private, forestry or anywhere else in the dam will be prosecuted.
P.S.whytey the biggest prob here is that you should have rang WBW and ask them.
those locals you said you talked to are not the people who run lenthalls dam
so now they are making it harder for everyone else who wants to fish there
thank you very much and people like you for stuffing it up for us >>
nice one oscar its funny though how all the locals r still fishing at night haha
Originally Posted by agent orange
not any more >>
thanks to people who do the wrong thing >>
Bigdan If some of the hot fingered locals didnt steal a heap of gear from the construction site then there would be no security guard and gate. Maybe you should track them down and talk to them mate. Dont go blaming me for wats going on up there I paid my camping fees, didnt steal anything or exceed the speed limit.
Thanks Whytey
If you wish to learn more about reading and getting the most from your Lowrance units or learning more about fishing with artificial baits I will come out in the comfort of your own boat for one on one coaching. Please call for more information.
Whytey & Agent Orange
I am a local, and I have done the RIGHT thing EVERY time I have fished the dam, because unlike some, I see the place as a great resource for this area.
If you read any of our posts I dont think you will see any reference to you personally stealing stuff etc, and yet you seem to have got your knickers in a twist.
People come from EVERYWHERE to fish this place, because it is so close and has gained a lot of exposure, for right and wrong reasons.
The comment you make about the locals doing the burning and stealing is unfounded and ridiculous.
Its always funny how when things go wrong somewhere its always blamed on the locals,. Yeah we have a certain strain of folk up here who do the wrong thing, just like everywhere else we fish.
At the end of the day NOTHING changes we are all now pretty much locked out of the dam until such time as WBW say we are allowed on it.
I would love for you to be present at our stocking group meeting tonight to hear the discussions about whats going to happen with all the hard work LOCALS have put into the dam, so that fisher folk, just like you, from ALL over can enjoy two of the best sportfish in the world.
Then look at it another way , what about the people who rely on the dam as part of their living.... tackle shops, camp parks etc... no fisherman no dollars.
There has already been a backlash with SIPS ticking, and where do you you reckon teh money for teh stocking comes from?
I just hope like hell that WBW will see what a great resource this is for our area and just maybe loosen the restrictions once all the work is done.
But until that happens enjoy the extra 2 hours drive to Monduran, or 5 hours to Awoonga, because a few wankers have stuffed it for all of us.
As on my previous post stated.. teh ones who have cuased this action probably dont give a tossabout anyone else anyway, so it wont be worrying them to much.
If you take offence at this then thats YOUR problem.
mate we where told by the local fishos where to get on and where to camp so i dont feel like i need to talk to u bunch of finger pointing do gooder this stinks we had no idea you where not to be on there after hours so catch u later cheif c u on the dam to all the rest of u sorry about this petty chat i wont let u know how i go on my trips from now on if it gets this sort of garbage
Oscar and co. Give the blokes a break. They hit the spot for the first time and believed they were getting reliable info from people who they thought were locals.
These "locals" obviously should have known the rules and regs and should have passed them on. I've been out fishing with Whytey and he's never disrespected anyone or any rules before. I don't believe that he or his mates would have gone out and purposely broken the rules.
Yeh he should have called em etc. Point was taken the first time.
Oscar, you've made it painfully clear to all on this site what needs to occur from now on so congrats on that champ.
As for going around calling people wankers, take a chill pill. Everyone appreciates what you've done for the fishos that travel up there. But the more you throw stones the more you make YOURSELF out to be a ######
Tight lines buddy!
Thats been the whole problem with this situation NO ONE has had the right information.
My comments were NOT pointed at these guys, but are a more generalised point being made so that more prople are aware of the situation up here.
I help stock the bloody dam and I want EVERYONE to be able to enjoy it.
Agent Orange
I'm sorry you got incorrect info, from 'Locals".
While you may think the post is petty chat, I feel its necessary to hammer home to EVERYONE that the regulations are there for everyone, LOCALS included. I am glad you guys had a great trip and caught Barra as well as Bass, thats what we are working for.
I dont think your comments about me being a fingure pointing doo gooder are very fair.
All I have been trying to do is get EVERYONE to realise that if we dont ALL do the right thing then we will loose Lenthalls- period.
I hope it isn't to much longer before we can ALL enjoy Lenthalls at pre dawn and dusk and again enjoy the best surface action in this area.
Fingers crossed!
As you said- cya on the dam!
Originally Posted by Why-ting
things people do wrong now !!!!!!
launch through private property = trespass
having more than 6hp = breach of hp restrictions
and what I'm talking about is after the gates have been put in >
the point is, if this continues to happen there is a great likely hood that the dam will be shut down to fishing
all the work stocking the fish for all those years will be for nothing >
there is no excuse for ignorance
ps wouldnt WBW love a copy of this post![]()
BTW campers not from this area was the reason for the gates (using tree stakes for fire wood) and the security of the works to the landscaping also keeping cattle out
not thieving, there has been a caretaker out at the dam since works began
get your facts right
the thieving happened at wongi water holes construction for the raising of the road
$20.000 worth of tools >
get your facts right >
point taken mate i wont go up until the gates r open again i dont want to stuff it but i got info from locals so i took that in good faith sorry about that i had no idea. Another thing while i was up there i sceen 6 boats on the dam they big motors and they come throught the gates i got a 6 on mine whats the go ??
Hey Agent Orange
One of those boats on the Wenesday was me ,hit the water about 0615.
The guard gave me a big lecture about doing the speed etc, I thought he was going to turn me away, but he took down my rego, and said it was OK.
So I went fishing!![]()
I saw you guys coming out of one of the bays.
I was prepared to be told to go home, only 1/2 hr drive, but guesss it was my lucky day.
But now its all changed.
You guys will be fine with the 6hp, and going thru the gates.
I sit here and wish liek hell I could get out there tonight its about 32 here now and lihght NE , they will be chewin their heads off on dusk. DOH!
Never mind!
** NB in my previous post some I had a typo. IT should have read.. I know a lot of people who have worked hard......blah blah blah. Just for the record