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North Pine Bass Going Off! - Page 3
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Thread: North Pine Bass Going Off!

  1. #31

    Re: North Pine Bass Going Off!

    SWANY22: Just because they are being held like that in the picture doesn't mean they are always held like that. I just saw blood in your pictures and questioned if they were being handled right. Just say if they weren't handled right and I didn't say anything and they continued to be injured what good is that?

    As you can see some of the Bass took our lures deep there is know blood coming from them. A good long pair of pliers helps. Though I do understand if a treble gets in their gill filters it can be a little difficult to avoid damage.

    I know when we caught them, during the fight, one of my mates or myself would unravel the brag mat so the fish were then landed and put straight on the mat. Not always for a measure but to make sure their slime coat remained with as little wiped off it as possible. Only the bigger ones were taken from the water for a measure, the smaller ones didn't get to see dry land since they were unhooked in the water while I was sinking in knee deep mud to do so.

    I don't know if Ando has a picture but I was absolutely covered in mud from constantly walking into the sinking mud and water to land and release fish so I could get the chance to swim them before they were released as the bank was only 5-10cm deep for a few meters out.

    I wasn't criticizing your boy or anything like that. Just making sure fish weren't dying for the wrong reasons. Like you when I catch these fish I would like to recatch them at the 60 mark. No need to take offence to a pondering mind.


  2. #32

    Re: North Pine Bass Going Off!

    SWANY22: Just because they are being held like that in the picture doesn't mean they are always held like that. I just saw blood in your pictures and questioned if they were being handled right. Just say if they weren't handled right and I didn't say anything and they continued to be injured what good is that?

    As you can see some of the Bass took our lures deep there is know blood coming from them. A good long pair of pliers helps. Though I do understand if a treble gets in their gill filters it can be a little difficult to avoid damage.

    I know when we caught them, during the fight, one of my mates or myself would unravel the brag mat so the fish were then landed and put straight on the mat. Not always for a measure but to make sure their slime coat remained with as little wiped off it as possible. Only the bigger ones were taken from the water for a measure, the smaller ones didn't get to see dry land since they were unhooked in the water while I was sinking in knee deep mud to do so.

    I don't know if Ando has a picture but I was absolutely covered in mud from constantly walking into the sinking mud and water to land and release fish so I could get the chance to swim them before they were released as the bank was only 5-10cm deep for a few meters out.

    I wasn't criticizing your boy or anything like that. Just making sure fish weren't dying for the wrong reasons. Like you when I catch these fish I would like to recatch them at the 60 mark. No need to take offence to a pondering mind.


  3. #33

    Re: North Pine Bass Going Off!

    Swanny22, how healthy is that 56 on your wall looking

  4. #34

    Re: North Pine Bass Going Off!

    blue mako sorry for misunderstanding your report its good to see guys with your attitude fish for the future.and great looking bass just hope i get that 60 before you guys.very impressive tally.m62 the missus has it in the cubard at the moment painting the house have a picture of it stuffed just waiting fof fish-gutz to come around and show me how to down load pictures.born to long ago still living in the past

  5. #35

    Re: North Pine Bass Going Off!

    Swanny, I used to have a big set of shark jaws mounted on the wall, that was until the missus moved in. She said they didn't match her dining room setting or something like that. I didn't even know I had a dining room.

  6. #36

    Re: North Pine Bass Going Off!

    m62 yeah i think the misus is going to try something simmiler she reconds the house will look better with out all the stuff on the walls.i will have to wait till she goes to work and surprise her

  7. #37

    Re: North Pine Bass Going Off!

    nice bag of fish there guys,

    well done.


  8. #38

    Re: North Pine Bass Going Off!

    Now that was a good day!!!!! Troy and I went back yesterday during the sunny period of the day for absolutely nothing! Then it started to get over cast and darkish and fishing went insane for 10 mins. I got 4 fish in 4 casts and troy got 3 fish all up. We also met Fishing_Crazy(spelt right?) and he got 2 or 3 bass including a beasty 53cm fork model. They were no where near as big as the other day as that was the only 50+, the others were all up to 40cm

  9. #39

    Re: North Pine Bass Going Off!

    i have found that my self over cast days seem to go off better just in my experiance anyway

  10. #40

    Re: North Pine Bass Going Off!

    Quote Originally Posted by SWANY22
    i have found that my self over cast days seem to go off better just in my experiance anyway

    Funny that. I fish more mornings than arvo's and have found that a nice clear day has produced better results than an overcast day. And have noted that the period between first light ( around 4 30 am atm) and around 5.30 am is a quiet time for me. The bass seem to come on the bite as more light hits the water. And my peak bass catching times peter out at around 8 am.

    I am a little sun smarter than I use to be, and in this hot weather I never fish during the heat of the day.

    my 2 cents


  11. #41

    Re: North Pine Bass Going Off!

    I have found it doesn't really matter what the weather is like at dawn or dusk, they are usually on the chew. I find they stop feeding after a certain darkness at dusk and lightness at dawn.

    During the day, they hardly bite on a Sunny day and don't stop feeding during Overcast conditions . That's my 2 cents.

    fishytales: Heard you had a chat to Ando at work this arvo?


  12. #42

    Re: North Pine Bass Going Off!

    Troy (quote)

    fishytales: Heard you had a chat to Ando at work this arvo?


    Gidday Troy,

    Yes, I caught up with Mat at Jones Tackle this morning. We had a bit of a yarn about what's been workin for you guys, and I told him what's been working for me. Seems the bass have been on the chew the last week, if I wasn't working tonight I would be heading out in the morning as I need my fish fix bad.

    I might try tomorrow arvo if I get a chance. Good luck tomorrow, maybe I will meet you all at the dam some time.


  13. #43

    Re: North Pine Bass Going Off!

    best day i ever had was overcast around 2oclock me and fish-gutz got around 20 all bar 2 were over 50cm that spot was red hot for weeks but really went of on overcast days the bass picture on fish-gutz report my 55 was the average caught there .but that was winter 2 years ago now that spot is neally high and dry.

  14. #44

    Re: North Pine Bass Going Off!

    Im with chris, i fish the mornings and usually start about 430. I have tried everything to start the morning with mask vibs, tn60's sliders and spinnerbaits and also jitterbugs but the fish never seem to come on until the sun hits the water a bit. As soon as this happens we usually move around to a shallower bank and get them hanging on the dropoff.

    I went up to the dam this morning (14/01) and got shite all (4 fish between 2 for 2 hrs fishing) one fish was 50cm fork. the were really quite to begin with with a few fish on sliders but they were just tapping the lures. A slightly quicker retrieve got them to bite. Once the rain started that was it, tried jackalls and sliders for nothing. This has been our worst morning by far, time for a change of spots.

    to make it worse i lost a tn60 as well but at least my 2kg IMX makes the fiights more enjoyable. Does anyone use this light gear for casting mask vibs i was worried about it stressing the blank a bit??

  15. #45

    Re: North Pine Bass Going Off!

    dinby: I have a 2-6lb IMX, is yours this weight? Or 4-8lb? I don't use it for Bass, just small Hardbodies and Soft Plastics for Bream. It's far too light for Bassin', lure wise I mean. I've used it once and once only. I use the dodgie old Berkley Dropshot for Bass. I'm saving for a GLX 4-8lb Dropshot can't wait for that one as I can use it for both Bass and Bream.


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