Tailor fishing changes in place by 2002 season
Recommendations to change management arrangements for tailor fishing in Queensland waters will be progressed and introduced in time for the 2002 tailor season, Primary Industries Minister Henry Palaszczuk said today.
Mr Palaszczuk said the Fishing Industry Development Council (FIDC) agreed at its meeting in Brisbane on Friday that there should be shared access to tailor by commercial and recreational fishers, but that the catch of both sectors be reduced.
FIDC has recommended that a scientific assessment group undertake the work and refer those findings to the Sub-Tropical Fin Fish Management Advisory Committee (MAC) with resulting changes to be introduced in time for the tailor fishing season next year.
The Queensland Fisheries Service estimates recreational fishers take approximately 500 tonnes of tailor each year, while the commercial take in the tightly regulated fishery is about 180 tonnes per annum.
Proposals for a bag limit for recreational fishers and a total allowable catch for commercial fishers have already been suggested to the Government.
"As Minister, I have been disappointed at the public dispute between commercial and recreational fishers over tailor. I believe we should put that behind us and work towards a positive resolution. The outcomes of the FIDC meeting reflect that," Mr Palaszczuk said.
FIDC is made up of fishing industry and other stakeholders and it advises the Government on fishing development and other policy issues. The Council is chaired by the State Member for Kurwongbah Linda Lavarch. The MAC also includes commercial and recreational fishing representatives.
Media contact: Kirby Anderson (0418) 197 350