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Thread: Squid

  1. #1
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2003


    Does anyone here fish for squid for the plate as well as bait??

    If so anyone know how and where to go about catching em in bris/gold coast areas... i checked out the squidfish site but didn't really have any info for these areas...

    Btw id be land based cause i dun have a boat.

    Cheers for any info.

  2. #2
    Ausfish Premium Member webby's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Re: Squid

    Hi, Dont know what area your in, but try Wello' pier, some of the pontoons in raby bay, weinram ck, the manly boat harbour, or if down the coast try some of the bridges and pontoons.
    These are all night venus, a lamp just above the water, should attract the bait fish that the squid come up to grab.
    Jig or harpoon will do the trick.
    always keep some for tucker, better then the leather you buy in the stores.

  3. #3

    Re: Squid

    I usually target them in the winter months from the Woody Point jetty. There are a few other jetties around the place up that way that produce as well but some are just wall to wall with idiots and it really tries the patience at times. I usually use a razorback jig in orange in the 2.5 size. Sometimes use a xylum light but not always.

    Cheers, Clutter.

  4. #4

    Re: Squid

    Amity Jetty or rock wall will produce the goods . But being land based you will have to travel to North Straddie ,
    hope this is a help .

  5. #5
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    Re: Squid

    Thanks for the replies appreciate it!

    clutter what else lurks around the waters around woody pt?

  6. #6

    Re: Squid

    See plenty of people after whiting, flathead and tailor, never really seen any decent catches though. Haven't been there for a while. Also used to be heaps of cast netters after prawns. Only trouble with that is all the juvenile fish they catch along with them. Have seen literally hundreds of flathead fry about 2" long left on the jetty to die. Asked the bloke why he didn't toss them back and his reply was, "bloody things keep tangling in my net", he also told me it was always the same. Gave him a rev about it and told him not to complain when he can't catch anything in years to come. Me and my mate tossed heaps back. Should really ban nets from there for that reason.

    Off my soapbox now. Have also caught octopus and have seen shovel nose rays and small sharks caught.

    Cheers, Clutter.

  7. #7
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2002

    Re: Squid

    Good on you Clutter!! Give 'em heaps! Times like that I wish I was built like Stallone They get a fair few mullet at times there. Those castnetters drive me mad - and yes I DO use one from the boat at times when the prawns are about but geez some of those guys give it a bad name!
    Woody Point was really good for tailor when I was a kid in the 60's and 70's. The second light post out from shore was a good spot but over the years it's shallowed up a lot. No doubt they still get some farther out. It also used to fish well for flathead in winter, and in surprisingly shallow water [night time]


  8. #8

    Re: Squid

    yeah i know mike c,
    ive seen those guys at the hornibrook with there giant cast nets. they sit there for like 2 hours sometimes with polaroids on before they spot a school of mullet then unleash a massive cast. sometimes when they are running they can fill a 20 litre bucket. i asked what they were going to use them for, the asian dudes said food but the other guys were chasing sharks in the bay. a bit of a wasted if you ask me. id use em for crab pot bait or something.

    see ya

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