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Kin Kin Creek - Help needed
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Thread: Kin Kin Creek - Help needed

  1. #1
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    Kin Kin Creek - Help needed

    hey boys and girls,

    im heading up to kin kin for 6 days next week and would love any info that people can spare on the place.

    info on species, lures/flies and locations would be wonderful.

    cheers and happy new year!!!


  2. #2

    Re: Kin Kin Creek - Help needed

    Firstly, be very careful if its windy crossing lake cootharaba to get there.

    Full of Tarpon, i flick small rubbers and spoons for them but ive heard fly is better. Bit late for bass now in the lower parts but plenty there sometimes, jacks as well but plenty of water between them in my experience, lots of good water havn't identified specific hotspots myself but a real adventure going several ks upstream, lots of prob busters and bugger all people, nice spot.

  3. #3

    Re: Kin Kin Creek - Help needed

    Yeh mate be careful of submerged bits - I know from experience. >
    Poke along slow and have the sounder magnify the bottom.
    Have managed some nice jacks from up there. Not fished for the tarpon but have seen plenty up there just sipping the surface. It's a magic place dawn and dusk.

  4. #4
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    Re: Kin Kin Creek - Help needed

    thanks guys - you are champions

    we only have a 10footer so thanks for the wind tip off - dont wanna kick the bucket just yet!

    cheers, Justin

  5. #5

    Re: Kin Kin Creek - Help needed

    Its a very spooky place up the top of kinkin as it gets dark, the last time i fished there, the wind was strong and because its heavily jungled the bankside trees were not moving much

    Anyway we start hearing these noises, never heard anything like it, It was getting dark so our talk about leaving became i'm f&n outa here, our courage came out about then and we found a huge tree rubbing another in the wind , very hard to pick though.

    That day it blew 25knots southerly and we ran back to boreen pt in the blackness, my boats a 15 foot plate with pontoons and it was a very scary ride, waves literally coming over the top while travelling by gps only.

    Lots of southerlys this time of year, Take care and ill be interested in your report.


  6. #6
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    Re: Kin Kin Creek - Help needed

    i'll fill you all in when i got back - added an extra 3 days to the trip but heading up to inskip to chase longtails or borumba for some toga action.

    cheers, Justin

  7. #7
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Re: Kin Kin Creek - Help needed

    Quote Originally Posted by thunnus
    i'll fill you all in when i got back - added an extra 3 days to the trip but heading up to inskip to chase longtails or borumba for some toga action.

    cheers, Justin
    Justin mate,

    I might just see ya up at Borumba if you go there. . .We're headin to our house at the coast on tuesday and was going to head up to borumba for a bit. . .not sure what days excatly but yeah i'll be up there. . .give us a call if you some how read this

    Have a great trip


  8. #8
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    Re: Kin Kin Creek - Help needed

    hey all - this is how she went!

    got there and found out lake catharbah is the windiest place on earth. That arvo fished the mouth of the noosa that feeds the lake - trolled up one talior.

    next morning fished a little creek near the mouth and caught one small jack casting to timber.

    next day was kin kin day - what an awsome creek!!! caught one trev, and one jack on lures and a catty on fly.

    next day we got skunked!!! - luckly enough met some dudes up the creek who knew how to fish it a little better then us and scored some info.

    next day was pay day for us fished for 3 hours for 3 tarpon and a trev.

    some deal the next day with 3 tarpon and a another dirty catty. That arvo fished the mouth again for a few whiting.

    sleeped in next morning and fished late morning early arvo and scored a 1.7kg mowyong on a plastic as well as a nice trev and a river whaler.

    so that was the trip not to bad for 2 young blokes in a 10 footer - traveling time from boreen to kin kin was an hour each way and on one day there was many many litres on water in the bottem of the boat - not a nice place in fowl weather.

    anyway had a good time and hope all you blokes got a few fish too.

    cheers, Justin

  9. #9
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2002

    Re: Kin Kin Creek - Help needed

    A 'dirty catty'?
    You poor thing!

  10. #10
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    Re: Kin Kin Creek - Help needed

    hehehehhe - they dont go all that bad i guess - but still take up valuable time when ya trying to catch tarps/jacks/trevs!!!!

  11. #11
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2002

    Re: Kin Kin Creek - Help needed

    heheh Just teasing you, mate.
    To me any fish on a lure is a good one, but I know what you mean.
    I've fished the upper Noosa a few times, not for years though, but never Kin Kin. It sounds wonderful.
    Scary trip across Cootharaba. One evening while pushing the boat off a sandbank I stepped on a stingray that slipped out from under my foot without stinging me. And we were still about 50 mins from Boreen Point. That was in the days before Minn Kotas which is what I normally use in the shallows.
    Does anyone know the regulations regarding motors in the upper Noosa? I'd heard it was electric only but someone else told me even they aren't permitted.

  12. #12

    Re: Kin Kin Creek - Help needed

    Mike, from campsite 3 up all petrol power banned, electrics are allowed, the distances to go from 3 to say 10 would take a lot of battery power, quiet impractical so it feels like a ban to most.


  13. #13

    Re: Kin Kin Creek - Help needed

    I'll be doing a trip there soon, launching from Boreen Point.

    Any info on the current state of the ramp and any probs leaving car there overnight or a couple of days.

    I can wear the 4 knot speed limit as it lets you avoid all those incompetent people in canoes but I have never been given a beleivable explanation for banning the use of fuel powered boats past campsite 3.


  14. #14

    Re: Kin Kin Creek - Help needed

    Luc, the ramp is ok, especially if your launching a tinnie.

    Security what can you do to avoid them ???

    Its like the gbrmpa mob and the closures down south, once the rot gets in its trouble, certain areas of the parks management don't seem to keen on fishn, it was pretty obvious the canoeists who wrecked so many bankside areas as part of the nature experience, somehow got passed off as bankside erosion by power boats, just my opinion.


  15. #15
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2002

    Re: Kin Kin Creek - Help needed

    Thanks for the info about petrol motors. It sure sounds like a ban to me! Not good! I've got no chance of making a trip of that distance with just a 36lb thrust motor.
    Last time I went to the upper Noosa I was lucky enough to leave the car at a local resident's property. Gave me peace of mind, and it's a tactic I've used in other spots too, when I've taken the Portabote onto quiet bass waters. Sure, you take your chances by doing it, but I reckon it's less risky than leaving a vehicle [plus a trailer at times] in remote spots. The offer of a six-pack can help too!


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