Was told about this project at a meeting last week. ??
My name is Dr Shane Griffiths and I'm a fish biologist working at CSIRO Marine Research in Brisbane. I am currently conducting a pilot study of longtail tuna (also known as Northern Bluefin), mackerel tuna, frigate mackerel and Watson's leaping bonito. Surprisingly, almost no studies have been undertaken on these species in Australia. The purpose of the study is to gain an understanding of the general biology and ecology of these species, including age, growth, reproduction, stock structure, diet and movements. Unfortunately, we need to sacrifice about 50-100 fish from each species to get this information. This study will hopefully lead to a large study to be undertaken in Northern Australia, namely the Gulf of Carpentaria. Our interest in these species IS NOT for commercial fisheries benefit. We have a large gap in our data on pelagic fishes and need this data to feed into ecosystem models. These model may then predict the impacts of current fishing practices on all components of the ecosystem. We are primarily interested in ensuring the sustainability of all fish stocks, which in some way, shape or form are interlinked.
I have been working closely with recreational fishing groups, who have been very genernous by donating specimens of longtail tuna in the 8-15kg range. However, we desperately need more specimens before the season ends. We are particularly trying to get a number of large fish over 20kg, as they are very important for determining growth rates for the species.
I would be very interested in hearing from anyone who is willing to donate tuna specimens for our research, particularly fishers from the Sunshine Coast/Brisbane/Gold Coast region. I will personally organise to pick up or freight (for people outside SE Qld).
I can be contacted via email on shane.griffiths@csiro.au or by phone during business hours on (07)38267364.
Any assistance you can offer us will be greatly appreciated.
Shane Griffiths